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View Full Version : rpix86 version 0.17 released!

April 11th, 2014, 23:46
Here is the latest version of rpix86! Not a lot of changes, as I still have not had all that much time to work on rpix86, but there are a couple of changes that you might find useful.

Changed the joystick event file handling to use /dev/input/js? files. Note that before this version you needed to give the event file number using the -j parameter, now you need to give the js file number (which I believe always start with zero, so you would normally use -j0) to have rpix86 use your joystick. Also note that prior to this version rpix86 attempted to automatically enable joystick support. In this version you need to give the -j0 parameter to enable joystick support. This change hopefully makes rpix86 more compatible with various joystick types.
Added support for a secondary joystick, with -j1 command line parameter. If you give both -j0 and -j1, rpix86 will take the first two joystick axis from the first joystick and the other two axis from the second joystick. Both joysticks will also have two buttons allocated to them, since DOS joystick support has 4 analog channels and 4 buttons total.
Added support for the freeware game StarGunner by Apogee. The setup program used some JPO and JPE opcodes, which always need game-specific handling. It also used a REP MOVSD operation from protected mode, to move the screen image to the VGA 640x480 16-color graphics mode. No other program has until now used that operation, so I had not yet implemented that. After fixing these issues, both the setup program and the game itself seemed to run fine, although rather slow. The system requirements mention a Pentium processor, which is quite a lot faster than what rpix86 can emulate.

Sorry I have not had time to work on more enhancements. I hope you enjoy this version, and let me know of any bugs you encounter!
