View Full Version : The DCEmu Interview - Question 10 - What Game(S) Would you like to see Remade ?

February 3rd, 2008, 02:09

A feature i did a few years ago and one im going to repeat now is the DCEmu Interview, a unique idea in which questions are asked by me to the Whole DCEmu Community its a way to learn more about each others and find out what our interests are and much more

Todays Question is What Game(S) Would you like to see Remade ? (a new version of a favourite game or games)

Give your Answer via Comments.

Remember to check out our DCEmu Interview Site (http://interviews.dcemu.co.uk/) to catch up on previous DCEmu Interview Questions

The DCEmu Interview - Question 1 - What Consoles Do You Own ? (http://interviews.dcemu.co.uk/the-dcemu-interview-question-1-what-consoles-do-you-own--82867.html)
The DCEmu Interview - Question 2 - Whats Your Favourite Console Of All Time (http://interviews.dcemu.co.uk/the-dcemu-interview-question-2-whats-your-favourite-console-of-all-time-83029.html)
The DCEmu Interview - Question 3 - Whats Your New Years Resolution ? (http://interviews.dcemu.co.uk/the-dcemu-interview-question-3-whats-your-new-years-resolution--83130.html)
The DCEmu Interview - Question 4 - What Got you Interested in Homebrew/Emulation ? (http://interviews.dcemu.co.uk/the-dcemu-interview-question-4-what-got-you-interested-in-homebrew-emulation--83212.html)
The DCEmu Interview - Question 5 - Whats the greatest Game Ever ? (http://interviews.dcemu.co.uk/the-dcemu-interview-question-5-whats-the-greatest-game-ever--83477.html)
The DCEmu Interview - Question 6 - Whats the Greatest Homebrew Console? (http://interviews.dcemu.co.uk/the-dcemu-interview-question-6-whats-the-greatest-homebrew-console--83559.html)
The DCEmu Interview - Question 7 - Whats the Greatest Homebrew Handheld? (http://interviews.dcemu.co.uk/the-dcemu-interview-question-7-whats-the-greatest-homebrew-handheld--83580.html)
The DCEmu Interview - Question 8 - Whos the Greatest Homebrew Hacker/Coder and Why ? (http://interviews.dcemu.co.uk/the-dcemu-interview-question-8-whos-the-greatest-homebrew-hacker-coder-and-why--85365.html)
The DCEmu Interview - Question 9 - Whats the Greatest Emulator Released? (http://interviews.dcemu.co.uk/the-dcemu-interview-question-9-whats-the-greatest-emulator-released--87819.html)

February 3rd, 2008, 02:10
For me i want to see new versions of

Theme Park
Theme Hospital
Command and Conquer Red Alert

Im sure theres tons more but at this time of night thats all i can think of :P

February 3rd, 2008, 02:13
Little Nemo's Dream Master
Panzer Dragoon series (or at least an emulation of Saga on a console)

February 3rd, 2008, 02:39
I want all these on the PSP because it's the only system I play. If it weren't for my sister's Tetris DS addiction, my DS would be shoved under the couch underneath some paper plates. :p

Theme Hospital - Already have it on Popstation, but still
Roller Coaster Tycoon - OMFG, screw TTD, RCT FTW!
SimCity - Specifically 2000 or 4. If it's 2000 remove the neccesity of putting power lines everywhere. After you've played the later ones, you can't go back because of that!
Super Smash Bros - Yes I know we have better chances of my PSP making me a cup of coffee than getting this on the PSP, but still. Daedalus is nice, but unplayable
Genesis Sonic Series - With 3d models too
Finest Fantasy for the PSP - Imagine FF1-12 on the PSP.
Tony Hawk series - Ports or remakes of all the PS and PS2 ones

That would make my PSP the best thing on Earth, currently just the best console. :p

February 3rd, 2008, 02:44
I want Super Mario 64 to be remade with Super Mario Galaxy's engine. And I'd want it to be ONLY a remake, just new graphics and sound. No extra characters, stars, or minigames.

February 3rd, 2008, 02:48
I want Super Mario 64 to be remade with Super Mario Galaxy's engine. And I'd want it to be ONLY a remake, just new graphics and sound. No extra characters, stars, or minigames.

Thats ingenious, and while we're at it, remake Ocarina of Time using Twilight Princess' engine.

February 3rd, 2008, 03:22
Chrono Trigger for the Super Nintendo. I would love to see a remake for that game.

February 3rd, 2008, 03:41
Shadow of colossus (more bad guys!!! tho itll never happen)
illusion of gaia
pokemon[red/blue/green/yellow/snap] (original 151 only!!!! or even the next set with celebi lugia ho-oh and all them, tho i never did memorize their names...)

February 3rd, 2008, 03:44
Remaking of Loom,
Star Control 2 (update graphics only,the game is fine as it is),
Cannon Fodder
Bushido Blade on Wii
Downhill Domination

February 3rd, 2008, 04:13
I would like to see a Metal Gear Solid 1 remake for PS3/360. That would be so badass...

February 3rd, 2008, 04:33
Street rod
Freespace or even Privateer
Section Z

February 3rd, 2008, 05:12
the Guardian Legend (basically like Legend Of Zelda with a gun, side scrolling shooter sequences, and better graphics than the majority of NES games),
Beyond Oasis (Ali, the main character of this game, has some badass moves and the game had decent graphics),
The Legend Of Dragoon (If the characters had more detail this game would compete with other console RPGs),
Privateer (An online version would be awesome)

February 3rd, 2008, 05:15
Super Mario Allstars and The Immortal.

February 3rd, 2008, 07:04
Metal Gear
Metal Gear 2: Solid Snake
Metal Gear Solid 1

maybe for the PS2/ps3?

February 3rd, 2008, 07:13
Dino Crisis 2 for psp
Devil may cry 3 for psp
FF7 on PS3
Megaman x2 and x3 for psp

Right now I only play my psp:p

February 3rd, 2008, 08:03
I would die for a chrono trigger remake.
I would also like to see half-life 1 remade on the Half-Life 2 engine.

February 3rd, 2008, 08:10
streets of rage series for the next gen systems :D

February 3rd, 2008, 08:22

February 3rd, 2008, 09:13
I would also like to see half-life 1 remade on the Half-Life 2 engine.

February 3rd, 2008, 09:41
Streets of rage,Shadow dancer

February 3rd, 2008, 10:33
Keystone Keepers
Toejam & Earl (a decent remake, i mean)
Alex Kidd

February 3rd, 2008, 10:59
Not so much a remake, but I would love to see a sequal of Ristar, but in the same style so that 3Dish Platformer look. I'm just trying to think of what would be good game to remake. MGS 1 has already been done... I wouldn't mind Playing Phantasy Star Online with the PSU engine, that would be cool. Since I never really played it for the Dreamcast.

I say for the Question Level it should be:

The DCEmu Interview - Question 11 - What Game(S) Would you like to see a sequal for?

I would have loads of ideas for that. :P

Sonicboy 101
February 3rd, 2008, 11:03

M Dash
February 3rd, 2008, 12:18
Daytona USA 2
Daytona USA 1 (The one from Arcade/Saturn/PC)
Alex Kidd in Miracle World
Sonic 1 (Genesis Version) (In 3D)
Streets of Rage 1


That's all for now.

February 3rd, 2008, 12:42
I would like to see a Metal Gear Solid 1 remake for PS3/360. That would be so badass...

A mgs remake would be great but it will never be on 360 lol! :rofl:

February 3rd, 2008, 13:01
Thief 4
Road Blasters
Rygar - Legendary Warrior

Bionic Commando (http://www.bioniccommando.com/) - On its way!
StarCraftII (http://www.starcraft2.com/) - Almost here :)

Uruz 6
February 3rd, 2008, 13:41
Terranigma for the SNES... (never released in the US but give it a try on a snes emu)!

February 3rd, 2008, 14:08
Well not a remake but I'd like to see Atlus make another game for the Ogre Battle series, preferably on the NDS, though the Wii would be just as sweet.

And then I'd like to see Squeenix make Chrono Break finally. They've been remaking things like FF7 and the Mana series like no tomorrow, when the real money maker is just sitting there. It just doesn't make any sense to me. well theres my 2 cents

February 3rd, 2008, 14:13
Road Rash

February 3rd, 2008, 14:26
I would like to see a Metal Gear Solid 1 remake for PS3/360. That would be so badass...

I know it would idd,if only you could get xp on your 360,get the psx emu,get your metal gear solid cd
;);) and play

February 3rd, 2008, 14:57
This is easy.

I want to see Secret of Mana remade in 3D (but with no tinkering at all done to the gameplay mechanics).

February 3rd, 2008, 15:08
Im still waiting for FRONT MISSION PORTABLE! and im hoping that alot of the current strategy games coming out for psp would just be translated! gonna be a great year for psp! like the person above, i only own a psp, no other console!

February 3rd, 2008, 15:47
Alex Kidd games

February 3rd, 2008, 16:12
A DS version Of Legend Of Zelda Ocarina Of Time. That Would be awesome.

February 3rd, 2008, 16:31

SWEET!!! :thumbup:

Can't wait until this is released.

February 3rd, 2008, 17:35


February 3rd, 2008, 18:01
Thats ingenious, and while we're at it, remake Ocarina of Time using Twilight Princess' engine.

That would be the greatest thing ever.

February 3rd, 2008, 18:09
Megaman 2 they already remade the first one and called it megaman powered up why not a megaman powered up 2

February 3rd, 2008, 18:21
I would like to see a Metal Gear Solid 1 remake for PS3/360. That would be so badass...

:thumbup: can't agree more.

Would like to see also Shadow of colossus remixed with some zelda and FFs elements like dungeon quests and sophisticated story development.

Megaman 2 they already remade the first one and called it megaman powered up why not a megaman powered up 2

Yeah! Snatcher and Policenauts !!

February 3rd, 2008, 18:57
Sonic Xtreme/Adventure for PSP, 360, and PS3.
Marvel vs Capcom series.

I cant believe I'm saying this, but I'd like to see them remake in a good way *shudders* (then faints, to be woke up by the Bee Gees), Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde from the NES days. It might be the worst game ever, but it could be remade into something badass.

February 3rd, 2008, 18:59
Alex Kidd games

Alex Kidd would only be good in 2D.
So, a DS remake/sequel would be a pretty good idea since he hasnt appeared in anything since Segagaga.

February 3rd, 2008, 19:00
I would second the Legend of Dragoon request, that was the only game for the PS1 that kept me up all night playing it. :P

February 3rd, 2008, 19:03
Panzer Dragoon Saga remake?

Come on Sega fans! Make a petition!

February 3rd, 2008, 19:25
A DS version Of Legend Of Zelda Ocarina Of Time. That Would be awesome.

Yeah, that would be awesome. I'm dreaming about OOT and Majora's Mask on the DS. Wonderful plot, design (even with the few polygons they used) and all those mini games AAAhhh :thumbup: I still hope they are going to port one for the DS. The hardware issues aren't much different...

February 3rd, 2008, 19:32
->Warzone 2100
->KKnD Krossfire
->Legacy of kain: Soul reaver
->Armored Core (A new one for the psp, cuz formula front isnt that good)
->Legend of Legaia
->Colony wars

February 3rd, 2008, 19:34
2D Mortal Kombat games

February 3rd, 2008, 19:42
Hands down: Super Puzzle Fighter 2x for matching service. I heard that you can download puzzle fighter on xbox arcade but i want online play. Also: aerobiz supersonic.

February 3rd, 2008, 19:49
Hands down: Super Puzzle Fighter 2x for matching service. I heard that you can download puzzle fighter on xbox arcade but i want online play. Also: aerobiz supersonic.

You can play Super Puzzle Fighter online.
Use MAME32 and Kaillera.

El Stefio
February 3rd, 2008, 20:05
Playing the Burnout Paradise demo made me long for a new Carmageddon...

February 3rd, 2008, 20:06
I'd like to see super metroid on the DS. Not 3-d first person crappiness, but side scrolling awesomeness. They could utilize both screens for the more vertical areas and boss fights such as Kraid and Ridley, and in the horizontal areas it could show a map or Samus's Stats like portriat of ruin does.

That would kick ass! :)

February 3rd, 2008, 20:19
Flashback on 3erd person view... a hit!!!!

Worst things happen at sea (zx-spectrum) with a wacky lot of micromanagement

River Raid/Zaxon 3d like Xevious 3d for PS1

...maybe a new berzerk or robotron full of fxs and crazy action like "the son" geometry wars

February 3rd, 2008, 20:21
ooohhh! and a ultramegafast Quix game for DS...

more ideas? mail me to [email protected]

February 3rd, 2008, 20:52
I want to see Call of Duty 1 on the PSP. They tried to do it for the N-Gage, which sucks, but the PSP has the power to run the actual Call of Duty game, and the ability to include the online mode. United Offensive would be even better.

February 4th, 2008, 00:00
A mgs remake would be great but it will never be on 360 lol! :rofl:

Metal Gear Solid: Twin Snakes came out for GameCube, and Metal Gear Solid 2: Substance came out for Xbox. So, why not?

I know it would idd,if only you could get xp on your 360,get the psx emu,get your metal gear solid cd
;);) and play

Eh... what I want is a remake, not a port or play the same game with same graphics again in a new console. :p

I still don't lose the hopes of MGS4 for Xbox 360. I'll be buying a PS3, of course, so I shouldn't care. But I believe that the "Substance" of MGS4 will come out for 360...

February 4th, 2008, 02:43
Tomba, Legend of Dragoon, Theme Park, Seaman(Dreamcast)

February 4th, 2008, 03:39
Werewolf the Last Warrior
Vice: Project Doom
Kings of the Beach

February 4th, 2008, 13:54
Another remake I'd like to see is Unholy War, originally on the Playstation, seeing that on the 360 or the PSP would be killer.

February 4th, 2008, 17:47
Wonder Boy III - Dragons trap !!!!!!

February 4th, 2008, 20:32

The game I would like to see remade is Battletoads. And hope it will be as good as the originals.

February 4th, 2008, 20:55
Spindizzy (not Spindizzy worlds)
Marble Madness
Alien Breed
Star Wars (original arcade - do fancy vectors like Geometry Wars et al)

February 4th, 2008, 21:07
easily seiken densetsu 3 (Secret of mana 2)

the best rpg game of all time!

February 4th, 2008, 23:37




February 5th, 2008, 15:08
North and South (the all time Amiga classic) would be great if it was suped up! ...I'd also love to see the original (Amiga version)on xbox live! :)

Star Wars Arcade game - this would be ace if it was expanded and also had proper 3d textures etc.

Moonstone - whack some hd visuals and a a bit of 3D in there and this would be cool

I'm lucky because another I would have said was Super Street Fighter 2 - but this is recieving an update soon via xbox live anyway. :)

February 5th, 2008, 16:00
easily seiken densetsu 3 (Secret of mana 2)

the best rpg game of all time!

I agree! Or at least a port on the DS

February 6th, 2008, 00:09
Barney's Hide And Seek for the Genesis.

Michael Jackson's Moonwalker for the Genesis also desperately needs a 3D remake pushing the limits of the PS3s Cell technology. xD

Basil Zero
February 25th, 2008, 07:19
Super Mario World
Donkey Kong Country 1
Final Fantasy VI
Final Fantasy VII
Chrono Trigger
Pokemon Gold/Silver/Crystal
Super Mario Bros. 3

March 11th, 2008, 08:23
Final Fantasy VII ...even if they never add any new features..
chrono trigger

March 17th, 2008, 23:34
i'd like to see jet set radio made for the psp i used to love that on dreamcast and xbox, i'm just suprised it has'nt been done already with all the other sega games on psp

April 14th, 2008, 08:32

Super Mario RPG (NOT Paper Mario YUK!)

Final Fantasy 7

Final Fantasy 8

Chrono Trigger (again but in 3d)

April 14th, 2008, 15:00
Grand Theft Auto: London

April 15th, 2008, 00:02
Vice: Project Doom - but must be in 2d

October 27th, 2008, 09:03
The Elder Scrolls (any) on PSP
Arcanum on PSP
Deus Ex on PSP
Fallout on PSP

December 25th, 2008, 20:58
Wonder Boy 3

March 15th, 2009, 06:51
I for one would love to see all of those TERRIBLE game's based on movies/based on comic book characters/based on comic book character movies redone on the newer consoles and actually be good. OR, rather than put them out on the new consoles someone could always just remake them for the console they were originally made for just alot better graphics gameplay and plot and then release it as a downloadable game.

March 20th, 2009, 10:59
I would like to see a Metal Gear Solid 1 remake for PS3/360. That would be so badass...


I also want to see a wonder boy remake.

April 11th, 2009, 12:34
Thanks for giving this information..There are some import ant information write now.I also want to see a wonder boy remake. I purchase some nintendo materials from the following links. And I am really amazed. So please go for the clearance sell of nintedo as soon as possible..The links are
Nintendo Wii Inc 3 Games just: £120 (http://www.buynintendodslite.co.uk/)
Nintendo DSi inc Games just £119 (http://www.buynintendodslite.co.uk/)

June 16th, 2009, 00:46
This is a dumb question so I shall reply with an equaly dumb question. Why redo/remake the games that I have come to love and cherish for the very reasons why most people want certain games redone?! I love the old pixelated graphix of games and I get rather pissed off when I see a port that cleans the graphix up. I absolutely love 2/4/8/16bit midi music, so leave my midi 2/4/8/16bit music the **** alone! and for the love of science leave the gameplay alone for these classics too!
This is the problem I have with next gen consoles and new age pussy gamers, they demand that the games have supped up graphix and the games made to be less challenging. I mean I know this kid who asked for a cheat sheet for super mario brothers for the NES. It is mario brothers and all it is is run, jump, run some more and jump to the flag. That's it! you do not need a cheet sheet for a simple platformer!!! Games are supposed to be challenging that is what they are supposed to do...challenge you. Futhermore, the graphix of these new age games are so intense and realistic that it no longer feels like a playing unrealistic game....come on people these games are supposed to take us away from reality...not remind us of it!
Give me a nes with the orginal megaman collection, a rush mix tape and 4 2L bottles of Jot cola and you will see one content sob. So to conclude this rather short rant I would like to say just one last thing: I am a dick get used to this fact and we will all get along just fine. I am not sorry if I offeneded anyone that was the intent of this rant. If it get's me booted off the site well so be it then.

June 16th, 2009, 00:48
Guardian Heroes

June 20th, 2009, 11:13
Ocarina of time NDS (N64)
Smash brothers NDS (N64)
Zelda classic NDS (PC)

June 21st, 2009, 23:52
A modern planetside would be awesome

March 15th, 2010, 17:08
For the NDS please:

Spindizzy (original game, not worlds, but worlds would be good to do afterwards)
Knight Lore would be good in 3D
Entire Dizzy adventure series
Space Panic