View Full Version : JabberDS-0.2 Released

February 4th, 2008, 19:19
Anton Romanov (http://theli.is-a-geek.org/blog/static/jabberds) has released JabberDS, heres the details:

A Jabber client for the Nintendo DS.


Uses DSGUI for GUI
User defined keyboard layout
User defined fonts (DSGUI's BFont format)
Supports any Unicode characters available in font
Roster operation (Add/Remove/Rename/Subscribe/Unsubscribe contacts)
Multi User Chat
SSL/TLS support


DLDI patch
JabberDS want's it's settings file as /data/jabberds.xml
Edit it to your likings

Initiall release.
-fixed: incorrect authentication when "server" differs from server part of JID
-new: response to "jabber:iq:version"
-new: "feature-not-implemented" response for unsupported "get" iqs
-new: TLS support

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February 5th, 2008, 03:30
Cool, I think the reason it didn't work with gtalk earlier was because of TLS. Also, why is it a tar.gz inside a .zip? I'm sure one archive format would be fine, lol.

Ah yes, I was right, gtalk required startls aka SSL, and also stupid me I was trying to follow google's instructions on their site for configuring it when I found the sample gtalk template right above the configuration part. For some reason, it uses port 5222 even though gtalk's help site says port 5223 for the clients that it lists a port at all, which is interesting, but either way it didn't work with port 5223 and it works with the template he showed so yay! Nice job, this is better than DSAim, mainly because that hasn't been updated in forever and the keyboard on this is almost big enough to type with your thumbs, and definitely works with thumbnails although I find that I'm still fastest with a stylus.

February 5th, 2008, 06:01
5223 is a legacy mode (SSL on a separate port)
starttls is when you connect normal, after server sends his "features" client can send "starttls", server replies "proceed" .. and only then SSL handshake begins :)