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View Full Version : Dopewars port to DS "DRUG WARS"

Cap'n 1time
August 6th, 2005, 20:55
Thanks to Emuholics

DrugWars DS
Nintendo DS News

The classic game Drug Wars was recently ported to the DS by Youngmx. Here are the release notes:

For my first homebrew project, I decided to do a remake of the ever-present, always-popular DrugWars text rpg. I wanted to make it stand out a little, so I added some city images, which ended up making the entire project rather large. In a future version, I might consider compression and an unpacking lib, but for now, lets hope you have highspeed. This uses the font and sprite routines I wrote in the last sample, and you can also see from the screenshots where I was really intending to use that random splash image on the Font/Sprite Routines demo. Unlike the first demo I put out, this is actually compiled to run properly on the emulator iDeaS. I haven't been able to test this on hardware, but you might want to uncomment the lcdSwap(); line in the arm9.c file to get the screens right on hardware.

Its a great game so be sure to check it out via the homepage at http://www.youngmx.com/ndsdev/
Posted on Saturday, August 06 @ 11:04:21 EDT by Guyfawkes



looks very cool!