View Full Version : Skype on 3.90 M33 (enabled on FAT)

February 5th, 2008, 17:20
With the help of Dark_Alex's CFW 3.90 M33 i have been able to place all the files that skype needs to run on the FAT psp, but i have run into a problem.
Without Custom XMB editor v0.5 i am unable to make it so the icon apears on the FAT psp, i have found the offsets while hex editing, and have tried make the skype start under LFTV plugin, but this results in a brick.

Does anyone know of away that the skype can apear on the FAT psp with brick, such as away to active it like 1-Seg on FAT any region using custom xmb editor, are we just going to have to wait for the new software?

February 6th, 2008, 01:46
It won't run because the PSP-1000 (fat) has too few memory to run it.

The PSP-2000 has 64mb mem, and thus it can run the Skype program.

February 6th, 2008, 12:56
by memory do you RAM as i have placed the files on my psp in /vsh/module

February 6th, 2008, 14:50
Sorry to disappoint, but you can't make it run just by placing it in the PSP's flash memory. The flash memory and the RAM are two different things. The Phat has less of both than the Slim has, so it will crash on start due to RAM shortage. At least at the moment.

February 6th, 2008, 18:26
so is it a case of pointing some vertual RAM on the memory stick that the psp can read

February 15th, 2008, 05:56
there's no way you can do that
you cannot emulate hardware, is like trying to emulate the performance of a core 2 duo on a celeron pc, well, not that drastically but is just an example

February 15th, 2008, 18:38
Q:I have upgraded my psp (slim-JAPAN) from 3.71 m33-4 to 3.90 m33-2....
after upgrading,found out there is no skype icon to appear under the network menu...
the new thing tat use to appear was only internet radio...

does anyone know y?
is tat something to do with the region thing?

February 25th, 2008, 18:15
Q:I have upgraded my psp (slim-JAPAN) from 3.71 m33-4 to 3.90 m33-2....
after upgrading,found out there is no skype icon to appear under the network menu...
the new thing tat use to appear was only internet radio...

does anyone know y?
is tat something to do with the region thing?

Had same problem, change region, will work fine.

February 26th, 2008, 14:37
thanks a lot chris70509!
problem solved!

March 24th, 2008, 17:32
isnt psp slims comments off topic.anyway virtual ram sounds like a fab idea but u would hav to set a limit or u may cause unknown problems.maybe someone could implement a homebrew app.

December 6th, 2008, 20:18
Virtual ram is actually a good idea in my book. PCs do this quite a bit. "Virtual Memory" sets space on your hard disk to use as swap space to emulate ram. Is it slower? yes. But it DOES work. And contrary to what has been said, emulating a core 2 duo on a celeron pc WOULD work, it would just be pointless and a million times slower than even the native CPU runs (which is already slow)

anyways, you could get around the lack of ram via virtual memory (slow but would work) and you can get around the lack of flash memory via deleting files you dont need on your flash, or heck, edit the flash to look on the memstick instead (has been done on a few prior implementations).

So all of this would be hard as hell to do, and would likely wind up too slow to be usable... but I still think it is worth the shot.