View Full Version : Supercard DS-One Skin Viewer

February 5th, 2008, 22:56
I've been off work for a couple of days because I did myself an injury.

I started getting bored so I thought I'd make some skins for my, and my kids <AHEM!> Supercard DS-One but found it tedious after to keep transferring the MicroSD between the PC and the NDS to see how the skins were progressing. So to save myself a bit of time and effort I decided to knock out a little program so I could view the skins on my PC as I went along.

Here's a couple of screenshots...

http://mcbg01487.pwp.blueyonder.co.uk/journal/journalat.jpg http://mcbg01487.pwp.blueyonder.co.uk/journal/journalbt.jpg

It's very basic and obviously has a long way to go yet but I thought maybe others on the community may find it useful.

It needs a "SKINS" directory in the same folder as the application and any skins go in their own folders within those. I have included some skins in there to give an idea of the structure.

If anyone does find it useful then let me know and I might carry on working on it when I have the time.

You can download the viewer from here. (http://mcbg01487.pwp.blueyonder.co.uk/dsskin-0.4.zip)

May 2nd, 2008, 21:34
Kudos Mista C!

I found your Skin Viewer from a forum post (http://forum.supercard.cn/viewthread.php?tid=2816&extra=page%3D1) at the SuperCard forums. You have the beginnings of a very awesome app here! I have downloaded it and been playing with it a little. Right now this is perfect for those times where you make a quick change to one of the more predominately used images and want to see how it will look. If I might make a few suggestions?

1) Work in the ability to pull global/language/skin settings from the .ini files so that they are properly reflected in the skin preview. I notice that this currently seems to be hard coded, and this does not work for Zorlin's English Pack (http://www.scdev.org/forum/index.php?topic=12238) for example where the text in scmenu.bmp has been changed and moved via this .ini files

2) The ability to emulate SC OS's menu'ing system so that we can preview the drop-down menu/sub-menus, other windows (i.e. "Help", "Patch", etc.), buttons, scrollbars, etc.

This could also potentially become a GUI editor for manipulating the .ini files themselves. Keep up the good work! I look forward to future releases. I know I will definitely be using this utility

May 2nd, 2008, 22:24
Thanks for this program and thanks to use my work in the skin sample ^^.

I'm agree with cdaters and i will add some other things.

Functions to add :
-transparency for 00ff00 color (for sdspeed.bmp, all ico, miniBtn.bmp, closebtn.bmp, noclose.bmp)
-display/hide of files with of course the right ico for each one (bmp, nds, gba..)
-display/hide of all kind of windows : mp3 play, enable patch windows, text mode, speed selection, drop downmenu (all with their right position defined in the skin.ini and the global.ini file)
-switch display mode like DS One, ico, little ico, list.

Thanks again

May 3rd, 2008, 01:44
1) Work in the ability to pull global/language/skin settings from the .ini files so that they are properly reflected in the skin preview. I notice that this currently seems to be hard coded, and this does not work for Zorlin's English Pack (http://www.scdev.org/forum/index.php?topic=12238) for example where the text in scmenu.bmp has been changed and moved via this .ini files

2) The ability to emulate SC OS's menu'ing system so that we can preview the drop-down menu/sub-menus, other windows (i.e. "Help", "Patch", etc.), buttons, scrollbars, etc.

It's strange you mentioned both of those particular improvements in that order. That was exactly what I was planning on doing next :D

Thanks for this program and thanks to use my work in the skin sample ^^.

I'm agree with cdaters and i will add some other things.

Functions to add :
-transparency for 00ff00 color (for sdspeed.bmp, all ico, miniBtn.bmp, closebtn.bmp, noclose.bmp)
-display/hide of files with of course the right ico for each one (bmp, nds, gba..)
-display/hide of all kind of windows : mp3 play, enable patch windows, text mode, speed selection, drop downmenu (all with their right position defined in the skin.ini and the global.ini file)
-switch display mode like DS One, ico, little ico, list.

Thanks again

I'm glad you posted here Alfadir. A work colleague showed me your website and it was from there this whole project came about. At the time I didn't know who's site it was, or the URL, but it did get me thinking.

I injured my knee and while I was off work I was thinking about how you had your skins displayed on your site. That got me thinking about how I could load skins into something on my PC to view them.

I'm hoping to do some updates when I'm not so busy at work and I'm happy to acknowledge that this wouldn't exist without you :D

July 9th, 2008, 19:13
Do you have some news of this skin viewer ?

Do you had time or not to work on this project ?

May 7th, 2009, 12:46
thank you ....