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View Full Version : Iwata rules out online worlds for Wii

February 6th, 2008, 18:57
via Computer and Video Games (http://www.computerandvideogames.com/article.php?id=181592)

intendo president Satoru Iwatu has effectively ruled out virtual-world services on the Wii. So where does that leave Animal Crossing MMO?

"The virtual-world services out there now still aren't at a place where we'd like to join in," said Iwata. "And certainly not to the point that we'd want to jump into competition with everybody else. We'd rather focus on doing things that nobody else would do."

Iwata also underlined the firm's focus on inventing new experiences for a wide range of people.

"Our job is to constantly look into what people find fun and interesting. I mean, nobody else wants to develop a videogame where you get on the scale and see how much you weigh."

What about an online aerobics class? Hosted by Mr. Motivator?

"That's how we're able to keep offering people surprises and entertainment, so even if we were to make a virtual-world-like product, we'd be sure to make it something that nobody would call it a product similar to another company's offering."

Last year, rumours reported in Edge claimed that the Wii iteration of Animal Crossing would be an MMO.

Hope dies last but we've got our doubts about an AC MMO now. Given that Iwata appears to beam when discussing the likes of Wii Sports and Wii Fit, if it does come to pass we're gearing up expect something different to Warcraft with cuddly toys. And less fighting.