View Full Version : DSBill Released

February 6th, 2008, 22:16
News/release from Dopefish (http://www.vespenegas.com/dsbill.html) of a port of Xbill to the Nintendo DS, heres a description:

More popular than Quake!1

Ever get the feeling that nothing is going right? You're a sysadmin, and someone's trying to destroy your computers. The little people running around the screen are trying to infect your computers with Wingdows [TM], a virus cleverly designed to resemble a popular operating system. Additionally, some computers are connected with network cables. When one computer on a network becomes infected, a spark will be sent down the cable, and will infect the computer on the other end when it reaches there.

That's the basic idea of the game. Pretty simple, but fun for a while, and definitely something to appreciate.

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December 18th, 2010, 20:08
Mindless fun. The learning curve is very simple, and it never gets boring because it always gets harder. Level 99 is (nearly?) impossible, whereas Level 1 is super-easy.