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View Full Version : Two new PSP demos released

February 7th, 2008, 22:08
Sony has just released two new demos available for download. The games are Harvey Birdman and Puzzle Guzzle. You can download from the PlayStation Store or by following the following links.

Harvey Birdman (247MB) (http://store.playstation.com/store/product.vm?id=UP0102-NPUH90003_00-0000000000000000)

Take control of Harvey Birdman in this demo to the popular PSP game, “Harvey Birdman: Attorney at Law”! In this episode, Harvey finds his office furniture has been stolen. He must question two likely suspects and takes them both to court. As Harvey, you must navigate through a court session in an attempt to find the real thief!

Puzzle Guzzle (11MB) (http://store.playstation.com/store/product.vm?id=UP1022-NPUH90004_00-PUZZLEGUZZLEDEMO)

Get ready for your mind to bend in different directions, because Puzzle Guzzle is a game like no other. Your goal is to complete diagonal shapes on a squared board, which would be easy if you weren’t facing off against an opponent throwing different attack moves that make you think in even more peculiar ways. Addicting and fast-paced, when you play Puzzle Guzzle, you don’t just think outside the box, your brain tears the box to shreds!

Anonymous D
February 7th, 2008, 23:14
247mb? if thats right thats one big demo.

February 7th, 2008, 23:52
wow yea, that is a pretty large demo.
i have full game cso's smaller than that O_o

February 8th, 2008, 03:09
wow yea, that is a pretty large demo.
i have full game cso's smaller than that O_o

The full game compressed as a CSO is 1.40GB. You probaly have either movies or audio ripped. The demo is so large because of the cutscenes from the TV series that are in it.

February 8th, 2008, 05:26
The God of War demo was huge aswell.

February 8th, 2008, 15:25
The full game compressed as a CSO is 1.40GB. You probaly have either movies or audio ripped. The demo is so large because of the cutscenes from the TV series that are in it.

I don't think he means this particular game. He means he has other cso files that are smaller.

February 9th, 2008, 18:00
While trying to find alternate d/l links for these demos, I found out that these are seemingly exclusive to the Store, and what's more, they're encrypted with DRM.

Get the f*ck out - they implement DRM on game demos??? :eek:

February 9th, 2008, 18:09
Why does it matter, you can just create a new account at the store (https://store.playstation.com/accounts/register/beginNewAccountRegistrationFlow.action).

February 10th, 2008, 02:28
Well yeah, but there are times when I feel I'm not that dedicated enough towards a store to want to create an account for it.