View Full Version : iPod Openly Challenges Sony's PSP

August 10th, 2005, 09:59
Jobs made no secret of iPod's challenge to Sony during his presentation, telling the crowd that the iPod was outselling Sony's latest star product, the PlayStation Portable, or PSP. Sony sold about 2 million PSPs in the last quarter but Apple shipped more than 6 million iPods during that same time.

Offerings from Japanese artists on Sony labels aren't available on iTunes, said Sony Music Entertainment spokeswoman Kiyono Yoshinaga.

"We are in talks with Apple, but we have not reached an agreement at this time," she said, while declining to give details

August 16th, 2005, 09:02
Did it ever occur to jobs that the psp isn't an mp3 player? He act's like the psp is supposed to be some kind of competition, when they are 2 completely different products. The fact that the psp plays mp3's is more of a perk, its main use is for gaming. I would totaly understand if the psp had oh a 20GB hd in it but it doesn't. So Mr. asshole jobs can go suck a nut.

August 16th, 2005, 10:22
a psp user? the "Mr. asshole" bit gave it away...