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View Full Version : For $20, Build a VR Headset For Your Smartphone

April 19th, 2014, 23:13
Not everyone can drop a few hundred dollars on a VR headset, but that doesn't mean they can't experience VR! For those with the time and a bit of handiwork skill, this DIY guide from guest writer Ohaple will show you how to make a smartphone-based VR headset (http://www.roadtovr.com/diy-guide-build-smartphone-vr-headset-hmd-head-mounted-display-oculus-rift-games/) for as little as $20. Along the way, you'll learn the hardware and software basics of a VR headset."This project screams for a ready-made commercial version; does anyone know of existing purpose-built headgear? As one of the comments on the linked tutorial says, Poppy (http://www.poppy3d.com/) seems close, but lacks an LED for tracking.
