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View Full Version : Downstream Panic! Review (by ice)

February 13th, 2008, 03:20
When I first saw this game I was intrigued. It looked a lot like another stupid looking yet great game called Loco Roco and thats exactly how I would describe it. Sorta dumb looking but loads of addicting fun.


When you first start this game up you'll immediately notice how sugery it is. Very kiddy looking indeed. I assure you thats what this game is at all. If you can get past your initial perception of the game you might just love it. You'll also notice how bright and pretty this game is right away. Its got a definite art style to appreciate here that is, again, very similar to Loco Roco.

The game plays like a combo of Loco Roco and Lemmings if you can imagine something so awesome. Basically you use a cursor to wield several "tools" to help you fish get downstream. Its better than it sounds.. Trust me.. Its also much more challenging than it sounds. More than once or twice early on I found myself stuck trying to get the fish to the water without
that freaking shark eating them halfway down. Very challenging indeed and great fun too.


The sounds in this game may very well give you the diabetes with their overly sugery style. Strangely it works for it. It sounds pretty much how it looks and because of that it works. The sound effects consist of the fish randomly screaming as they swoosh around, the fish screaming as they are eaten by a shark or other enemies and the fish screaming when they hit the water. For an animal that cant actual scream they sure do it a lot in this game.

This game is a puzzle game at heart and a darn good one at that. If you're a fan of Lemmings or the aforementioned Loco Roco I suggest you pick this game up asap.

Presentation - 7.5
Solid overall look and feel.

Graphics- 8.5
Great art style utilized here. Looks much better in action than in screens.

Sound- 7.8
The sounds fit well enough.

Gameplay- 8.5
Couldnt be simpler to use and works very well. Tons of challenging addicting fun.

Lasting Appeal- 8.3
Tons of stages and unlockables.

Overal- 8.3 (not an average)

Via: C*M (http://www.codemayhem.net/posting.php?mode=editpost&p=13165)

February 13th, 2008, 08:27
This games looks ok, but I've been told its a far cry from Locoroco.

For me the only new funky game I'll be getting is Patapon. :)

February 14th, 2008, 05:19
Patapon looks great, but gameplay is dull

This one seems nice, but haven't tried it yet (although I'm no lemings fan, actually i've never played lemings)

February 14th, 2008, 10:22
I like this game...it's a good break from what i've been playing...lol

February 15th, 2008, 16:18
Loco Roco is better imo but they're pretty different in actual gameplay so its hard to tell.