View Full Version : The Raspberry Eye Sees All

April 21st, 2014, 19:47
[Roman Rolinsky] wanted to try to do something interesting with his Raspberry Pi and a 2.8″ LCD he had laying about… So he made a rather bulky version of Google Glass. (http://hackaday.io/project/865-Raspberry-Eye)
We’ve seen a few examples of home brew Google Glass (http://hackaday.com/2013/11/17/google-glass-how-about-this-home-brew-solution/) before, or even real-life subtitle glasses (http://hackaday.com/2012/07/23/real-life-subtitle-glasses/) used for translation on the fly, but what we really like about [Roman's] project (besides the fact he hosted it on our very own awesome project hosting site (http://hackaday.io/)) is that he’s put together the projection system himself out of basic components.
To create the HUD, he’s using a semi-transparent mirror which he took out of an Eye of Horus Beamsplitter game (http://www.instructables.com/id/Khet-eye-of-horus-beam-splitter/) – which is a really cool real-life puzzle board game like those games where you have to reflect the laser to solve a puzzle. He’s then using a 3x Fresnel magnification lens which is placed over top of his 2.8″ LCD in a 3D printed enclosure. This magnifies and reflects the image onto the mirror which is placed directly over his eye, allowing for a see through display.
We’ve asked for a demonstration video, so if you follow his project you’ll get all the future updates of his Raspberry Eye.
