View Full Version : Iris Backup Manager 2.9x

April 21st, 2014, 20:57
Iris Backup Manager is based on PSLIGHT, Tiny3D, PS3Soundlib and OpenPS3FTP and HermesManager manager.

Restart the console after installation if Iris was loaded before. 's new / fixed: 2.93 - Updating ISO tools (PC_ps3iso_utilities_with_src_v1.8.zip) to patch the ISO games until 4.60 in patchps3iso - For Lustar (GameTDB) , introduction of a new system for updating Covers, using a new "User-Agent" "IrisManager - v2.93" to access the server - This agent also simulates a PC for "updates games" - Support for Customs Cobra / Mamba playing Bluray, DVD and MKV movies (support HDD NTFS, FAT and EXTx as multiMAN under [/ BDISO] [/ DVDISO] and [/ MKV]) 2.92 - Improved GUI -> Added "GUI Configurator" in "Change Current GUI" -> Add New GRID mode 3x2 to 6x5 (6 games to 30) -> Ability to load a background image 2.90-3 - Added changes in version 2.90B about permissions errors 2.90-2 - Change the download PKG [/ dev_hdd0/game/IRISMAN00/PKG] to [/ dev_hdd0/packages] to install the PKG easier - L option to hide icons is now persistent - Added option to view images in full screen in the File Manager 2.90-1 - IRISMAN should now bear the Customs and CEX 4.55 Mamba - Added option to hide icons Showtime and Internet browser - Internal Changing the source code - Updated offsets for IDPS in Spoof 4.55 2.90b - Fixed a small bug with 4.55 Customs and permissions, disk 2.90 - Support for Customs 4.55 (tested on Habib v1.0) and "Mamba" Iris Backup Manager (http://ps3.gx-mod.com/modules/mydownloads/visit.php?lid=379) Website: elotrolado.net (http://www.elotrolado.net/hilo_aplicacion-iris-manager-v2-81_1862716)
