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View Full Version : MAME4All Update (was: SnowBros. 2 in MAME4All)

February 15th, 2008, 13:49

This is something that iīve been working on, but stopped because i need to study for exams. Itīs a snowbros2 (toaplan2) driver on franxis mame4all 5.1 in dreamcast (with chuiīs port code).
The sprites doesnīt show: i disabled them because (i think) they "eat" all the memory while mame decode gfx.

I think that using some functions of mame 0.37 will make the game work fine.
If anyone want to help/see the code/get a binary/dance like robot just SCREAM...AWehAUWhEUhaUeh...

February 16th, 2008, 18:59
Sweet! I love Snow Bros. :)

Is this a port of MAME4All v5.1 - http://www.talfi.net/gp32_franxis/ ?

Personally I would love to see support for games like R-Type, Air Buster, Darius... Also Sega System 16, Sega System C2 support would be great ! :)

February 16th, 2008, 21:59
Sweet! I love Snow Bros. :)

Is this a port of MAME4All v5.1 - http://www.talfi.net/gp32_franxis/ ?

Personally I would love to see support for games like R-Type, Air Buster, Darius... Also Sega System 16, Sega System C2 support would be great ! :)

Yes!, the franxis' Mame4all 5.1 can be compiled with no problems in DC, it has support for *new* games, but some of them doesnīt work (iīve tested outrun and hang on, but they doesnīt start, maybe itīs because there is not enough memory).
I also want to see more 68000 games, thatīs why iīve tried to put the toaplan2 driver into, so you have instant support of a lot of games (snowbros2, batrider, etc.) I just need to found the solution of the problem, because when i enable the spriteīs decodegfx the game doesnīt load, even if i try to use the video memory.
Letīs see if we can get a more complete mame in dc, chui told me that he will start working again on it, maybe he can get fullspeed in cps1!!!

February 19th, 2008, 21:45
Guaripolo Congrats !

February 20th, 2008, 02:26
Guaripolo Congrats !

thanks, thanks, thanks. Iīve managed to get the mame4all compiled in win32 (chui was right aWEHaWHEAWhe), but with some changes in the makefile (i use cygwin with the dde3) so if you want to compile just change the:


and put:

-lSDLmain -lSDL -lSDL_mixer

this worked for me!!!

With this iīve tested the snowbros2 driver and found that the memory is a trouble in dreamcast, but not the MAIN trouble. This MAME doesnīt decode correctly the GFX, so i will try to put some 0.36' functions.
Also i was working on a airbuster driver, the game boot but the graphics looks bad and doesnīt pass the information screen.



March 3rd, 2008, 13:28
it smell good a new version of MAME4ALL ?????

great work !!!:thumbup:

March 3rd, 2008, 15:19
itīs not a new version, itīs just the last gp2x version. I dont know what games work, iīve just tested some of them (like outrun -donīt work-). My intention is add some games and write a tutorial so anyone can try to add drivers (itīs very easy).
I will try to upload the source and the binaries today or tomorrow.
Also iīm waiting till Saturday, maybe Chui show a new version of MAME4ALL in madrisx (I hope).
When i finish some stuff (iīm writing a software for my mom -and he will pay me with a coke, damn mother-) i will try to add more games and send the drivers to chui/franxis, maybe them can add it to the main MAME4ALL project.
I think that in the MAME4ALL project can work a lot of people, like main coders (chui, franxis), people that add drivers, also someone can make a romcenter dat to know what roms are correct, or just suggest games to be added (specially 68000-Z80 games).

March 4th, 2008, 01:08



March 4th, 2008, 01:33
Ok here are the files, use them with caution, may contain viruses, spywares and evil, very malitious code (nah,itīs a joke).

dc bin:



The dc version itīs a Gold compilation with the airbustr driver, the snowbros and a xmen driver. The airbustr boots in dc, but in the copyright screen it hangs and resets. If you reset the game (doing right with the analog stick), you can get ingame and play (well, i can...)
The snowbros will boot (i think, donīt remember) but you can see that thereīs no sprites.
The windows version has all the drivers and may be used to know what roms work fine (and play a little).

Please make comments, suggestions, critics, cokes (aWEHUAWhEU),all will be received.

March 10th, 2008, 09:50
Keep up the good work.