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View Full Version : FAT32 is slow!

August 12th, 2005, 13:40
When I got my 512 pro duo, I immediately formatted it to FAT32, because I read a lot of books and such on the psp, and figured it would save me space. I noticed the 512 was much slower to write to, for copying files, save states, etc. I just formatted again, and went with the regular FAT formatting, and the transfer speed is once again great! I just transferred a 400+ mb movie in a little over a minute, something that took about 5-7 minutes before. Anyone else notice this? Try it, if you've gone to FAT32.

August 12th, 2005, 14:15
I think fat 32 is much faster then regular fat 16.
But thats a topic thats open for debate to people,
What I do know is the less free space you have on your card the more bogged down it becomes, Ive noticed even my one gig is slown down to a crawl when I only have about 60 or less meg free.
Try fat 32. leaveing about 70 megs free and try the same with fat 16. You will see a diff. :)

August 12th, 2005, 14:36
Weird. It definitely gets bogged down with little free space, but fat16 seems to be much faster. I'm using a Sony stick. What have you got?

August 12th, 2005, 14:42
I use sandisk, As I dont see a lot of difference between the two, But I have heard people claim the sony cards where more stable :p