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View Full Version : ReboNDS

August 13th, 2005, 11:30
Didou (http://forum.gbadev.org/viewtopic.php?t=6562) has released a great new game for the Nintendo DS, heres the Info:

I just made available a playable early version of my first real homebrew game on NDS: ReboNDS. The principle is the simple Bounce game (instanciate by X-Bounce, K-Bounce or whatever-Bounce ;). You just have to fill the screen by, avoiding bouncing balls from cutting you. I plan to add transition screens (some are already ready), bonuses, maluses, micro support (to shout "SCH.T" in order to cancel a line that will be hit by a ball ;))...

Download Here -> http://nintendo-ds.dcemu.co.uk/rebonds.shtml