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View Full Version : NES Cartridge Hack Makes Great Novelty Gift

April 27th, 2014, 20:52
Most all of us recall the Blinking Screen of Death on original NES systems. This was caused by a bad connection between the cartridge and the NES cartridge connector. For whatever reason, it became a very popular idea to give a quick blow down the cartridge, even though this didn’t really help. [Dale] decided to play on this annoying problem by making the NES Blow Cart! (http://facelesstech.wordpress.com/2014/04/25/nes-blow-cart/)
Inspired by a previous cartridge hack (http://hackaday.com/2014/01/28/the-8-bit-harmonica-blows-in-from-japan/), [Dale] mounted a custom made circuit sporting the ever popular ATtiny85 in a Super Mario / Duck Hunt cartridge. A small microphone sits where the original cartridge connector was, along with the on/off switch and program header. A quick blow triggers the ATtiny85 to play a song.
The most difficult part for [Dale] was to figure out how to get the ATtiny to play “music”. This was solved with the discovery of a library called Rtttl (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ring_Tone_Transfer_Language). This allowed him to take old Nokia Super Mario and Zelda ringtones and get them on the Attiny85. All files, including the rtttl library are available on his github (https://github.com/facelessloser/Nes_blow_cart). Be sure to stick around after the break for a video of the project in action.
