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View Full Version : SNES emulator request

August 15th, 2005, 01:53
I dont know why but i havent been able to find a snes emulator at ALL. would anyone mind helping me out? I feel as if ive looked everywhere already so please dont be an ass.

Cap'n 1time
August 15th, 2005, 02:09
I dont know why but i havent been able to find a snes emulator at ALL. would anyone mind helping me out? I feel as if ive looked everywhere already so please dont be an ass.

if you have looked everywhere.. and you havnt found one yet... well then your blind.

August 15th, 2005, 02:46
your not serious are you? well so long as your mentally retarded and you admit to it i shall tell you , the main page look left scroll down youll see "SNES" ...and now for your sake i wouldnt have any follow up questions for as long as your part of this community

August 15th, 2005, 03:21
heh yeah i found it, but you guys dont have to be so "elitest" about everything. jesus christ give me a ****ing break its not like im asking for anything big. If you dont want to answer my question, you dont have to post in my topic. its that simple you prick.

August 15th, 2005, 08:03
dont feel bad for being flamed on. the thing is, you have no idea just how many ppl ask questions that have been asked over and over and over again, u get em every single day. and it can be avoided completly if each of em just does a simple search. for instance, if u happen not to see it in the SNES section on the front page, maybe click "Search" and type in "snes" or "snes emulator" before u click that "New Thread" button, dont take it personally, its just happened so many times most dont bother

August 15th, 2005, 08:26
This place exists, it is www.google.com (I linked it for your convience). First click on my link. Now what you do it move your mouse over the rectangle and click it. Now you will notice a blinking bar, that means you can type in the rectangle. Now think of some "keywords" such as PSP, snes, emulator, or you can even put them all together: PSP snes emulator. Now click on the Google Search Button and see what you find.

August 15th, 2005, 21:27
(Warning: Secret classified information about to be released)
there's also the magical "Search" button on the top of the page
http://www.albinoblacksheep.com/flash/posting.php here's a nice instruction vid

Cap'n 1time
August 16th, 2005, 02:59
(Warning: Secret classified information about to be released)
there's also the magical "Search" button on the top of the page
http://www.albinoblacksheep.com/flash/posting.php here's a nice instruction vid