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View Full Version : PSPVista 0.7 Released!

February 22nd, 2008, 00:23
Here are the changes:

- correction of a bug which prevents PSPvista from being left when the percentage of battery was lower has 10
- new explanation on the orders available since the control panel
- the function to take screnshot was given
- addition of luaprog of “SERVING Jérémy” under “my documents”
- addition of the bomb disposal expert of “JEK”
- correction of a problem on the images to lower or close the window.
- creation of the window 3D which is 100 _ functional and acts like the office with more functionality!
- the homebrew will post “weak battery” if the percentage of battery is lower has 15_
- tutorials were make to learn has to change the speed of the mouse, the name of user and the bottom (under docs)
- creation of the miniature (when you metter the mouse over the bar of the spot lorsque' a window is open)
- old the bug due to the loading of the images was éradiquer
- the menu to start was remade with images of overflight (when you to pass to the top of an icon)

I love this program, and with work I think it could replace the XMB. I don't know how to install "3rd party" LUA apps on this, but if anyone else knows then please help us out.

Download Link (http://http://www.psp-ground.net/jack118218/Mes%20hombrew/PSPvista%20v0.7.rar)

Source (http://http://upsilon.wifeo.com/homebrews.php)

February 22nd, 2008, 00:31
eww vista..

February 22nd, 2008, 00:38
Its not actually Vista.

February 22nd, 2008, 01:22
Count me out then... I was hoping for the blue screen of death on my PSP.

Seriously though, what is this exactly? Sounds kinda like something along the lines if iRshell.

February 22nd, 2008, 02:24
Count me out then... I was hoping for the blue screen of death on my PSP.

Seriously though, what is this exactly? Sounds kinda like something along the lines if iRshell.

Im thinking along the lines of the same thing. Anything Vista smells funny, and really we only need 1 shell :) but then again IRshell is dying..

Please people work on something more useful than another shell. There's plenty of other things to be ported.

Im sure microsoft could really nail the dev on this PSPVista.

February 22nd, 2008, 02:37
What is it......

February 22nd, 2008, 02:53
tried this on my slim (thank you TM!!!!!)

its basically a cool looking shell. it looks cooler than IR shell, but doesnt compare. especially since its not even in english. clicking shizz causes alot of glitches and crashes (something about missing script or something) needs alot of work, but it has potential.

February 22nd, 2008, 03:13
Cheap knock off of pspman16's Windows Vista. It was coded in Lua and so is this. He is apparently coming out with a new version that looks a lot more like Vista!

February 22nd, 2008, 05:52
Why dont these crummy LUA scripters start coding some decent things other than shells / button testers. Come on! its a gaming console, not for shells / button testers build me some boulderdash!

February 22nd, 2008, 13:26
Ho man boulderdash!

I remember an old game that was called Boulderdash on my trs-80 coco][...

Haaaa memories...

February 22nd, 2008, 16:06
Im thinking along the lines of the same thing. Anything Vista smells funny, and really we only need 1 shell :) but then again IRshell is dying..

Please people work on something more useful than another shell. There's plenty of other things to be ported.

Im sure microsoft could really nail the dev on this PSPVista.

What the hell are you talking about its impossible to port Windows Vista to the PSP, we can't even get windows 95 running properly. And You can't request a coder to give up a project he has been working on and ask him to make something else. Stop being an ass to the coder, it may be true we have other shells (probably better) but it doesn't mean you insult the coders work like saying "ewww vista". And there is no Way Microsoft can get mad, all they did was use the name and put PSP in front of it.....

Good Luck on your project sir.

February 22nd, 2008, 19:45
Hmm - this is interresting

February 23rd, 2008, 00:18
How is this useless when it could put a more familar twist to something used every day? Give it some time, eventually a english version will be released, although its really not needed since the pictures explain alot.

I hope we get better add in support, mabye some browser support aswell. And I hope the next release has the UMD function finished. The audio player is good, I think the sound quality is better then the built in one, needs a video player though, mabye a integration of PSPtube?

I checked out PSPman16's build, it shares similarites but this is way more advanced then that.

February 23rd, 2008, 00:49
not bad, its better then the portals that you get which you have to use via the web browser

in the future updates i hope to see

-English Text
-maybe a pmp movie player mod
-mp4 player
-flash content
-UMD loader
-maybe a IE browser
-intergration of PSPTube

thats just to name a few

Cool app though

great potential

February 23rd, 2008, 09:24
Why anyone would want Vista on anything is beyond me - but it's still a cool project.

I haven't read the docs (on account of my Francais not being all that good) but it's an ideal base for any other LUA shell project, if the author permits the code to be reused/modified.

And yeah - I wonder how long it will take M$ to get greedy(er) and stomp all over it.

February 23rd, 2008, 18:52

0.8 has been released, no major improvements others then Slim compatiblity and the fact that you can change the settings in game.