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View Full Version : My psp has alzheimer's

February 23rd, 2008, 11:45
Ok, I'm no genius at this sort of thing but I can usually figure this sort of thing out by myself.

However, my (fat) psp won't recognize itself.

Had 3.51 m33 and upgraded yesterday to 3.52 m33-3. Problem is, I wanted to take it all the way to 3.71 m33 (and probably higher, if I can get past this little inconvenience) so I downloaded the necessary files, made an UPDATE folder, etc, etc. but when I try to start the whole thing up, it tells me I need software 3.52 m33 (which I already have).

Under the XMB it tells me I do indeed have 3.52 m33, but it is behaving as if I still had 3.51 m33. I tried updating the software to 3.52 m33-4 but it still basically tells me I'm lacking the software. Formatting the flash1 didn't help. At this point I'm considering undoing the whole thing and starting again from scratch, if I could figure out how.

Lil help, anyone?

February 23rd, 2008, 18:28
If your psp is already running custom firmware (3.52m33-4) create yourself a despertar memstick and pandora battery and run them, it will upgrade direct to 3.80m33 and then you can upgrade to 3.90m33 if you want to.

February 23rd, 2008, 18:41
That's pretty common; the problem is that you have your homebrew kernel set to 1.5, go into recovery and change it to 3.52 and it should work fine.

February 23rd, 2008, 23:45
You'd be better off keeping up to date with the custom firmware..

As the version numbers change, DAX slightly improves something every other time!