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View Full Version : MP3 on GBA?

February 26th, 2008, 05:19
I just got a supercard and am enjoying it!

I would like to play MP3's on my GBA's but Moonshell appears to run only on NDS?

Is there a way to run MP3's on GBA?


February 26th, 2008, 05:29
I just found some stuff on google.



February 26th, 2008, 06:52
Thanks for your effort!

The first one makes you jump through hoops and convert the MP3.

The second one doesn't do MP3 at all.

February 27th, 2008, 01:02
The GBA isn't powerful enough to decode mp3 files, so you must convert to a different format first. I suggest using GBA GSM Player by Tepples. First use a program like Wavepad to convert your mp3 files to high-quality WAV files (use the "CD Quality option"). Place these WAV files in the "wavs" folder and run go.bat to convert and compile your audio files into a "gsm.gba" file. Rename it, put it on your card, and launch it. You can delete the wav files if you want, as they're not needed anymore, and then move the GSM files from the "gsms" folder to somewhere else as backups. Then when you want to create a new compilation with a song you've used before, just copy the GSM file into the "gsms" folder, allowing you to skip the MP3->WAV->GSM conversion process, saving you time.

The other option is Music Player Advance, which JKKDARK already linked to.