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View Full Version : LightMP3 Version 2.0.0 Alpha 2

February 26th, 2008, 16:07
News/release from Sakya (http://www.sakya.it/) of an update to his MP3 Player for PSP:

Heres whats new:

Many bugs fixed
-FLAC is back
-Media Library starts to work.
-Coverart is retrieved from ID3v2

You can actually scan your Memory Stick, browse your media by Artist, Album and Genre and search for a text (in album, title and artist).

For coverart LightMP3 will look:
1.In ID3v2 info (only MP3)
2.For a file named like the file .jpg (ex: filename.mp3.jpg)
3.For a file named cover.jpg in the same directory of the file

When you're on an item in the Media Library you can add it to your playlist by pressing START.

Post your comments and bugreports here.


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February 26th, 2008, 17:43
lightmp3 is sooo sexyyyy

February 26th, 2008, 18:11
Amazing peice of homebrew! pretty much all the other music players can eat it now. This is the best release for the Psp since the newer versions of psptube. The scan for media function is an excellent new addition.

Only functional bug i've experienced is lock-ups on adding items to playlists. It's not completely crashing just stopping at 0% perhaps adding a cancel button could be a work around?

Other then that i've just noticed minor things. There is a bright blue screen after you name your playlist and save that flashes on for about a second. Also there was a few errors in it handling album art (which i know what a pain in the ass album art is to render).

Have you considered possibly changing the button scheme around a bit? a button for everything works, but maybe it can be simplified through L + R toggles. You could also add new functionality then too.

Keep up the great work!

February 26th, 2008, 23:06
My only concern with the newer versions of the player is it only plays 400 tracks in any given folder. The interface just keeps getting faster and better-looking with more features, but that track limit is a major setback for me.

I'm sticking with version 1.7.2 for now, it's served me well and plays up to 999 files per folder, just like the standard vsh player (as a side note, I think the custom playlists in 1.7.2 have a 400 track limit as well, but I don't use those).

February 28th, 2008, 13:10
one of the best homebrew mp3 player for sure =D

July 28th, 2009, 08:30