View Full Version : Oculus: ZeniMax Claims Over Rift Tech Are "False"

May 5th, 2014, 23:00
Unsurprisingly, Oculus VR has denied claims (http://time.com/87675/oculus-calls-zenimaxs-allegations-of-theft-false-disappointing-and-not-surprising/) that John Carmack stole technology when he left Zenimax. From the article: 'Oculus VR just sent across an email outlining in seven points what it views as ZeniMax's specious claims about Doom-creator John Carmack and Oculus' virtual reality technology. Last week, ZeniMax accused Oculus VR Chief Technology Officer (and former id Software Doom mastermind) John Carmack of taking "proprietary technology and know-how" with him (http://games.slashdot.org/story/14/05/01/1943218/zenimax-accuses-john-carmack-of-stealing-vr-tech/informative-comments) when he departed the Rockville, Maryland-based Elder Scrolls andDishonored publisher for a job with Oculus.'"
