View Full Version : Someone's built Zelda's Temple of Time in Unreal Engine 4

May 6th, 2014, 22:37
How good would N64 classic The Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time look if it was made using Unreal Engine 4?http://images.eurogamer.net/2013/articles/1/6/7/5/0/1/0/someones-built-zeldas-temple-of-time-in-unreal-engine-4-1399383082.jpg/EG11/resize/300x-1/quality/70/format/jpgThe Temple of Time on N64.

Your answer lies below, thanks to designer Michael Eurek, who has built
http://vimeo.com/93897087of the game's iconic Temple of Time location (thanks, Kotaku (http://kotaku.com/zeldas-temple-of-time-rebuilt-in-unreal-engine-4-1572303222)).It's the location from where you pluck the Master Sword, and can then revisit in GameCube/Wii title Twilight Princess.After six months of work in Maya, Z-brush and Photoshop, Eurek rendered the area in Unreal Engine 4 and recorded a stunning walkthrough.Will the upcoming Wii U Zelda - likely to be shown off at E3 next month - look anything like this?
