View Full Version : US/Euro MGS4 lacks Japanese voice over tracks

February 29th, 2008, 20:57
Go figure. There really is a limit to the once-unfathomable expanse of the Blu-rays. Speaking on the latest Kojima Productions Report session, Metal Gear Solid 4 producer Ryan Payton confirmed that the game's chatter will be as indulgent and convoluted as ever -- even more so than past entries. Meaning: "Unfortunately because of disc space, we don't have the space to include other languages, other voice over files for the respective versions. So the Japanese version's not gonna have English VO, and the North American and European versions won't have Japanese VO." Hayter it is then!


Anonymous D
February 29th, 2008, 22:14
this would make mgs4 one of the few games to actually use a full blu ray disk. unless its an excuse, though i dont see much advantage in leaving them out.

March 1st, 2008, 00:10
blasphemy! why!?!? unless they're like border line 25 gigs.... and they don't want to go to 50... but seriously that's a lot of data...