View Full Version : News from Uberjack

March 1st, 2008, 21:48
Uberjack (http://0xff.akop.org/) has posted news that will delight all emulator fans on the PSP:

While I continue waiting for days on end for my next GameFly rental, I wanted to let you know what’s been going on lately.

First, fMSX 2.5.1 release is coming up tomorrow. This release should fix mostly sound issues, and bring fMSX PSP up to par with the official distribution.

Second, a ColEm release should be around the corner, though it will mostly be a maintenance release.

Finally, it may interest some of you to know that I’m currently trying to implement adhoc gameplay for one (and then many?) of the emulators. Things are going well so far, so here’s to hoping…