View Full Version : "38% of gamers are female"

March 3rd, 2008, 15:53
via Computer and Video Games (http://www.computerandvideogames.com/article.php?id=183778)

38 percent of gamers are female, according to a report by the Entertainment Software Association, sourced by CNN technology.

According to the ESA, girl gamers spend 7.4 hours a week playing games, in-between hiding every television remote and moaning that we've left the toilet seat up.

Studies and sales data have shown that women are more likely to play casual handheld games such as the DS, along with "social games" like The Sims, where women apparently make up more than 55 percent of players (and not just because you can cook and clean!! Sorry, we had to).

"Women are out there in significant numbers playing MMOs, action games, first-person shooters," said Sony Online Entertainment marketing lady Torrie Dorrell. "What is lacking in the equation are women behind these games."

Despite the fancy new figures pointing to the amount of women playing games, they represent just under 12 percent of the industry, according to the International Game Developers Association.

Courtney Simmons, another PR women at SOE, said she wants to see "more women making games," and, "making more games that women want to play."

The MMO developer isn't sitting idly on its dream either; to help balance the sex equation it's setup G.I.R.L., Gamers In Real Life, a scholarship program to attract more young women to careers in game development.

"There is a lack of understanding about how women play," said Simmons, adding that she believes that women are being "gamed down to."

What about Jade Raymond? She makes games for girls, right? Stabbing Knights with throwing knives is wicked.

March 3rd, 2008, 16:21
More like 38% of gamers pretend to be female.

March 3rd, 2008, 16:23
I'm female and I play video games.

It seems I'm a female player :)

March 3rd, 2008, 16:26
that cant be true in the uk :S

March 3rd, 2008, 16:31
I'm female and I play video games.

It seems I'm a female player :)

I had a feeling you were going to reply, JKKDARK. ;)

Mister Klownes
March 3rd, 2008, 17:18
More like 38% of gamers pretend to be female.

Hahaha! No kidding.

Well, if we look at the first three replies, I suppose that makes it 1 female, 2 male. So maybe this statistic isn't all garbage? Ah, but now that I've responded we're already getting out of proportion. Personally, I ain't buyin' it.

I imagine by the end of the responses, the ratio will be much further from 1/3 female.

It's a nice thought, but honestly? Keep dreaming boys.

March 3rd, 2008, 19:13
Well, if we look at the first three replies, I suppose that makes it 1 female, 2 male.

Looks like you don't know JKKDARK. :D

March 3rd, 2008, 19:23
i know two girl gamer and many male gamers.... doesnt comply

March 3rd, 2008, 23:33
38% of gamers are girls .......... but what % of that 38% are good gamers?

Surely a gamer is someone who is a good alround gamer, not someone who spends 7.4 hours on wow?

March 4th, 2008, 00:06
I'm female and I play video games.

It seems I'm a female player :)

JKKDARK you have more balls than a roman candle

Mister Klownes
March 4th, 2008, 03:41
Looks like you don't know JKKDARK. :D

I don't, but I didn't want to question it.

Just proves the point though. Maybe 38% pretend to be female, but the number of actual female gamers is much less impressive.