View Full Version : PSP Development Kit for Windows/Macosx

March 3rd, 2008, 18:51
This news is only of interest to serious PSP Developers:

Release/news from thefRont:

Hey there,

you probably all know the great ready-to-go PSPSDK environtment made by ZX-81
running a Xubuntu installation inside VirtualBox. If not just keep reading...

ZX-81 did a really great job with his PSPSDK environment. As far as I can tell
it has been used by many PSP developers and got a very good reputation.
My best regards go to him as I was successfully using his environment for
the past months.

Unfortunatly as time passed, the PSPSDK developed further but the environment
didn't get updated. So if you wanted to get the latest version of the SDK
you'd have to update it on your own. As updating can be a very frustrating
and time consuming issue I've finally come up with a brand new version of
such an environment.

Based on ZX-81 environment it also contains all the tools you would expect
plus some extra tools like PSPLINK and an already configured Eclipse CDT for
developing and debugging your applications.


The package contains a fully working Xubuntu 7.10 Gutsy Gibbon release with the
latest PSPSDK + Toolchain (Revision: 2365 - 02/26/2008) + additional Extras
statet below:

Additional libraries:
- freetype
- jpeg
- libogg
- libpng
- libvorbis
- pspirkeyb
- SDL_gfx
- SDL_image
- SDL_mixer
- SDL_ttf
- zlib

Additional tools:
- psplinkusb (1.50 and 3.xx release)
- pspsh + usbhostfs (used for connecting to psplink)

Development tools:
- KDevelop (as in ZX-81 last release)
- Eclipse CDT (NEW! Can be used for developing and debugging your applications using psplink)

I've also included the Hello World Project by ZX-81 for KDevelop and Eclipse,
ready to use. The latest source of pspirc 1.1.2 by ZX-81 is also included, but
without KDevelop project files. It should compile quite nicely though.


Installation is fairly easy. All you need is the virtual Xubuntu image (download
is about 800 MB) and an Application called Virtualbox which is used to run the
Xubuntu system in a virtualized environment.

Please note that after you extracted the virtual image it will consume up to
*4GB* of disk space. So please make sure that you have enough free disk space.

Get the virtual image here:


VirtualBox can be downloaded at http://www.virtualbox.org

1. Download and extract the virtual image somewhere on your hard disk.

2. Download and install VirtualBox, then run it.

3. Create a new virtual machine, choose Linux 2.6 as OS Type and select 256 MB main memory.

4. Choose 'Existing...' at the virtual hard disk selector to open the virtual media manager.

5. Click on 'Add' and select the file you extracted in step 1.

6. Now click 'Choose' to select the hard disk, then click 'Next' and finally click 'Finish'

7. Start the virtual machine by double clicking on it and let the system boot up.

8. At the login promt enter 'psp' as username and password.

Many thanks to ZX-81 for his great PSPSDK environment and PSP applications.
I really appreciate your great work.

A big one goes out to InsertWittyName for hosting the virtual image on his server.

And I have to thank all the developers of the PSPSDK. Without you guys this
would never have been possible.

Any Questions?
If you have any questions on how to run this environment please feel free
to send me a PM or write an e-mail to [email protected].
Please note that I might not answer specific questions concerning the SDK in
particular. For questions about the PSPSDK please visit http://www.pspdev.org
or check out #pspdev on irc.freenode.net

Please remember this is for serious devs only and is a 800MB download so dont abuse the bandwith.

via thefRont (http://forums.qj.net/f-psp-development-forum-11/t-psp-development-kit-ready-to-use-for-windows-and-hopefully-mac-os-x-users-136066.html)

March 3rd, 2008, 21:19
I've been looking for mac dev tools for psp for 2 years now, thank..you..!! I LOVE YOU


March 3rd, 2008, 23:28
you can install the toolchain on a mac using some patches and fink
I don't know much about disk images or virtualization but I wonder if it would be easy to make into a live cd?Guess I'll have to download it to see.I made my own custom live feisty fawn with the psptoolchain installed.

Nice job ZX81 and thefRont,thanks for updating this.

March 4th, 2008, 04:02
i don't have an intel mac, am i screwed? or is there a diff. version of this etc...?

March 22nd, 2008, 12:49
The Mac version of VirtualBox only runs on Intel Macs at the moment. If you don't have an Intel Mac you might wanna try to install the toolchain/sdk directly like NoQuarter said.

Unfortunatly I'm not familiar with macs in any way so I can't help you out with that. Sorry.

March 22nd, 2008, 14:39
thanks... that is what i needed... and in the right time also lol

May 9th, 2008, 10:22
I've finally updates my PSP Development Kit. Check it out:

Hey there,

finally I've created the second release of my "Ready-To-Go PSPSDK Environment"
running a Xubuntu installation inside VirtualBox.

To make things short I'll quickly tell you what has changed in this new


- The Linux System used is still a Xubuntu 7.10 Gutsy Gibbon but it's now a
stripped down and cleaned up version so it takes much less space.

- The PSPSDK has been updated to the latest version available in SVN.

- All libraries so far available through SVN have been included this time.
You will see a list of available libraries below.

- This release now comes with a PSPSDK update file to easily update your PSPSDK
to the latest version if you already downloaded a previous version of the
environment and don't want to download a huge image file again.


The package contains a stripped down but fully working Xubuntu 7.10 Gutsy
Gibbon release with the latest PSPSDK + Toolchain
(Revision: 2387 - 05/04/2008) + additional Extras statet below:

Additional libraries:
- bzip2
- freetype
- jpeg
- libbulletml
- libmad
- libmikmod
- libogg
- libpng
- libpspvram
- libvorbis
- libTremor
- lua
- pspgl
- smpeg-psp
- sqlite
- pspirkeyb
- SDL_gfx
- SDL_image
- SDL_mixer
- SDL_ttf
- zlib

Additional tools:
- psplinkusb (1.50 and 3.xx release)
- pspsh + usbhostfs (used for connecting to psplink)

Development tools:
- KDevelop
- Eclipse CDT (Can be used for developing and debugging your applications using psplink)

I've also included the Hello World Project by ZX-81 for KDevelop and Eclipse,
ready to use. The latest source of pspirc 1.1.2 by ZX-81 is also included, but
without KDevelop project files. It should compile quite nicely though.

Installation of the environment

If you already have an older copy of this environment you don't need download it
again. Just continue reading "Installation of the PSPSDK Update".

Installation is fairly easy. All you need is the virtual Xubuntu image (download
is about 600 MB) and an Application called Virtualbox which is used to run the
Xubuntu system in a virtualized environment.

Please note that after you extracted the virtual image it will consume up to
*4GB* of disk space (initially it's only about 2.5GB but will grow larger
as you work with it). So please make sure that you have enough free disk space.

Get the virtual image here:


VirtualBox can be downloaded at http://www.virtualbox.org

1. Download and extract the virtual image somewhere on your hard disk.

2. Download and install VirtualBox, then run it.

3. Create a new virtual machine. choose Linux 2.6 as OS Type and select at
least 256 MB main memory.

4. Choose 'Existing...' at the virtual hard disk selector to open the
virtual media manager.

5. Click on 'Add' and select the file you extracted in step 1.

6. Now click 'Choose' to select the hard disk, then click 'Next' and
finally click 'Finish'

7. Start the virtual machine by double clicking on it and let the system boot up.

8. At the login promt enter 'psp' as username and password.

Installation of the PSPSDK Update

If you are reading this, it means you already have an older version of the
environment installed and just want to update to the latest PSPSDK.

Please note that you don't need to update the SDK if you just installed the latest
environment stated in this documentation. It's already up-to-date.

Ok, here we go:

1. Inside the environment open up a console and type:

wget http://www.luaplayer.org/pspsdk-update.run

This will download the update (about 80MB) to the current folder, most likely
your home directory.

2. After the download has finished you'll eventually have to set the file to
be executable. Do this with the following command:

chmod 755 pspsdk-update.run

3. Now you are ready to begin the update. Run it by issuing the following command:

sudo ./pspsdk-update.run

You will have to enter you password (which is 'psp')

4. The update will extract it's contents to a temporary directory. This will take
some time. After that it will do some integrity checks on the currently
installed SDK. Hopefully it says that everything is ok.

5. If you enter 'y' after asking if you want to update your SDK, the update will
begin. Just wait for the process to finish.

6. You can now savely delete the update file again.

Congratulations. Your PSPSDK is now up-to-date.

Many thanks to ZX-81 for his great PSPSDK environment and PSP applications.
I really appreciate your great work.

A big one goes out to InsertWittyName for hosting the virtual image and
pspsdk update on his server.

And I have to thank all the developers of the PSPSDK. Without you guys this
would never have been possible.

Any Questions?
If you have any questions on how to run this environment please feel free
to send me a PM or write an e-mail to dachande(at)gmx(dot)net.
Please note that I might not answer specific questions concerning the SDK in
particular. For questions about the PSPSDK please visit http://www.pspdev.org
or check out #pspdev on irc.freenode.net

August 26th, 2010, 20:29
This package is no longer on the luaplayer.org site. Does anyone have another link to it?