View Full Version : VSHTime

March 4th, 2008, 19:04
News/release from A noob:

VSHTime By A_Nub (AKA A_Noob)

Well This is pretty easy to use.

1) copy VSHTime.prx to ms0:/seplugins (ms0:/ being wherever you computer mounted your psp's mem stick)
2) open up vsh.txt in the same seplugins folder and add this line "ms0:/seplugins/VSHTime.prx" (minus the quotes)
3) disconnect and shut down your psp, then reboot holding Right Trigger, go to plugins and click on VSHTime so that it reads enabled. Now Exit the recovery Menu and Enjoy.

Basically you can push Left and Right Trigger Simotameously and the time will disappear. Push Again to Bring it back onto screen.

This Is somewhat of a hack job, it will display whatever image the vsh last used, which most of the time is the Time and Date. I have ran it in the web borwser and got the webpage rendered to the cube which was quite neat, but hard to navigate xD.

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via a noob (http://forums.qj.net/f-psp-development-forum-11/t-release-vshtime-136283.html)

March 4th, 2008, 22:39
Thanks, nice tool
maybe you can add a mode to decrease/increase clocks size

kryst abegnalie
March 5th, 2008, 03:11
wow thanks for the plugin, nice work!