View Full Version : Tetriabetes 1.3x-> 1.39 patch

March 5th, 2008, 16:47
another day another tetriabetes update :thumbup:

1.39 focuses on bug fixes and tweaks
change log:
* Fixed a bug with ghost where it would appear above piece if piece was right under some blocks.
* Fixed Audio Loop Time Delay, music should loop after music ends and not right before.
* Fixed High Score bug, where High Score would not load the last Digit.
* Adjusted soft drop delays(the piece dropped to fast).
* Fixed Hard drop points added, now hard drop will give you 2 points for every square based on how far up you drop it.
* Adjusted Drop Delay on Piece(it was dropping to slow at start up).
* Adjusted delay for left/right auto repeat(just slightly-it was to fast).
* Adjusted Ghost transparency level(made it less visible for less confusion).
* Added Rotate Left Function(yes finally, press x to rotate left)
* Fixed a bug where level 10 was broken
*Removed sound event of when piece drops down(it gets annoying at higher levels).
* Adjusted Hard drop delay to 0.5 second(as requested by jungle-cat).
Requirements: tetriAbetes 1.30 or higher (http://www.dcemu.co.uk/vbulletin/showthread.php?t=94894&highlight=Tetriabetes)

instructions: download patch 1.39 (http://www.dcemu.co.uk/vbulletin/attachment.php?attachmentid=2147504369&stc=1&d=1204731983), extract and add/replace files to your tetriabetes folder.

March 5th, 2008, 20:15
Cool update. I actually play this more than the NES Tetris now.

Great that it goes past 100 lines now. It's crazy fast lol!

Can the hard drop be edited this time or should I use the .ini file from the last update? I prefer the hard drop on that version.

March 6th, 2008, 03:13
The game is good. It'd be even better if he'd incorporate the graphics available on the Quinn website. Quinn is a Tetris clone for OS X with user submitted graphics in a very simple .png file.

March 6th, 2008, 11:14
Way to go Dragula96:thumbup:

A config menu to adjust the drop-speeds etc would be cool - as would skins, but I've already customized the gfx on my psp so it's already 'skinnable' for me:D

March 6th, 2008, 14:32
This is the first version I have tried of Tetriabetes, and I absolutely love it. Way to go, keep the great work going!

March 6th, 2008, 18:06
thanks for the kind words guys.

i will be adding full skin support in future builds,
but right now i am concentrating in wrapping this thing up, i just need to add some more effects and particals and its good to go.

here is a teaser for you guys: a preview of 1.40 :thumbup:


March 6th, 2008, 22:08
Woo-hoo, warming my copy of photoshop up...:D

March 7th, 2008, 14:59
I just finished coding the mp3 player for Tetriabetes 1.40.

That's right, it is going to be able to cycle through mp3 files in your
ms0:/music/tetriabetes folder
by pressing the R button!

how cool is that sh*t


March 8th, 2008, 14:56
Just keeps getting better and better :thumbup:

Do you think you could add a feature where it does my
job for me - while I play it for hours on end :D

March 9th, 2008, 04:31
I just finished coding the mp3 player for Tetriabetes 1.40.

That's right, it is going to be able to cycle through mp3 files in your
ms0:/music/tetriabetes folder
by pressing the R button!

how cool is that sh*t


Hot damn! :thumbup: