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View Full Version : New cheerleading game for Wii, DS

March 7th, 2008, 19:42
via Eurogamer (http://www.eurogamer.net/article.php?article_id=94172)

THQ has announced plans to release "the first-ever cheerleading videogame" for Wii and DS. What about Elite Beat Agents, THQ? Eh?

All Star Cheer Squad will see you experiencing a year in the life of a cheerleader - learning cheers, creating your own routines, becoming squad captain and believing the quarterback when he says he'll do it in a tissue at the last minute. Probably not the last one.

Those who hear the word "cheerleading" and immediately think of Kirsten Dunst's knickers will be pleased to hear choreographer Tony G is a consultant on the game. G is best known for his work on the excellent Bring It On and the appalling Bring It On Again.

The Wii version will work with the balance board set to come bundled with Wii Fit, and you'll need to use your whole body to play. The remote and nunchuk will act as electronical pom poms and will be used "to perform dozens of real-world cheer and dance moves".

The DS game will feature a unique storyline about the adventures of two rival cheerleading camps who compete against each other to be the best and one hot summer's day they decide to settle their argument in a different way but during the wrestling match their tops come off and we might be embellishing a bit.

All Star Cheer Squad is out this "fall".

wiggy fuzz
March 7th, 2008, 20:15
why? what's wrong with a FPS or a racing game once in a while? there's more "niche" games than proper genres on teh DS, for the love of god. when will it end?

March 9th, 2008, 19:36
why put this on the ds? I don't understand. It sort of makes sense on the wii. I know nintendo is going for that "other" market, but cheers with a stylus? Even if you're into that sort of thing that still sounds really lame.