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View Full Version : making a bba?

March 11th, 2008, 02:47
Just Wondering if this is possible? i mean i love my new dreamcast. Sure i get the rareity of the BBA but it's too much money...

so i was wondering if i buy the specific Realtek 8139 PCI Chip, Remove the PCI silver strip so i have is connectors, Chips, and Ports. Then i would imagine just connect the PCI Board to the DC Ext. Port.

I just wanted for Dev...

unless i can use dc-tool with a 56k Modem. it's slow, Could be faster then serial? but i would like BBA. I Might Get some Internet Games too, i found a few copies of Quake 3 at a local game store!

March 11th, 2008, 02:55
No (to both questions, making a BBA and using the modem with dc-tool).

There are LAN clones (http://f17.aaa.livedoor.jp/~takotako/g2bus.php#hit0300_clone) though.