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View Full Version : Twinbee Portable, Salamander Portable and Parodius Portable

March 11th, 2008, 16:36
Newly released today:


Konami reconfigured and remade three whole classic shooting arcade games packages for Sony PSP™. These three packages include the first installments, originally made in mid 1980s up to the lastest ones, made in mid 1990s. Because they are adapted for the PSP screen, parts that differ from the original arcade games are introduced into these new packages but all the while preserving the exciting gaming experience. Twinbee Portable and Parodius Portable are comedic fantasy games that featured the well loved characters of Konami when Salamander portable features fearsome enemies and monsters from the outer space.

Konami's Twinbee Portable, Salamander Portable and Parodius Portable are in stock today, shipping as region free Japanese Konami the Best budget editions for the same price of US$ 29.90 only.
