View Full Version : DC Dev ISO R4

March 13th, 2008, 08:53
To be honest I'm not even sure where to start on this one... this release most importantly has Insight and GDB included. I've been using it for the last month or two and it's a real treat using it. I've included a tutorial on how to use it. Lets go through the changelog. KallistiOS has been updated. The old SDL patches Bero posted to KOS' SourceForge page are applied, lets not forget the timer changes OneThirty8 posted here (http://dcemulation.com/phpBB/viewtopic.php?p=989414#p989414). More so, SDL headers and libs are finally organized. dc-load IP and Serial have been updated also with a tutorial on compiling it yourself. dc-tool can be used in your Makefile with $(DCTOOL_SERIAL) and $(DCTOOL_IP). Hopefully the people who had problems with "make" in the past don't have the issues anymore since I've added the package to Cygwin. The new GL port by chui has been included however it's lib has been renamed to glx and it's headers are in GLX to prevent the default GL from being overwritten. The toolchain has also been recompiled using the newlib patch KOS provides - more information about that here (http://dcemulation.com/phpBB/viewtopic.php?p=867940#p867940). And finally, the DreamInducer theme was fixed. No more purple loading screen, no more cut off text and no more load screen fading in\out to speed up the loading time a little. There so many changes I couldn't keep track of, I'm sure there's more like new version of tools in the extras folder, more tools, and some exclusive tools I've made like an VMU LCD image converter and the Chankast BIN loader that's been in the last few releases.

- GDB and Insight included for Debugging
- KallistiOS 1.3 updated to svn 561
- dc-load IP\Serial 1.0.4 updated to svn 556
- dc-tool IP\Serial 1.0.4 included in /kos/utils/dctool
- scramble included in /kos/utils/scramble
- SGE (SDL Graphics Extensions) lib by BlueCrab
- SDL examples by Chui included
- More tutorials (Insight, Updating dc-tool)
- Links to most DC related sites
- "make" package in Cygwin problems hopefully fixed
- Default SDL has been patched to work right
- SDL sources and headers reorganized
- libGLX by Chui and updated SDL libs
- toolchain rebuilt with the fixed newlib patch
- DreamInducer theme fixed


March 13th, 2008, 21:56
Heres a guide for setting up Dev C++ with R4


April 6th, 2008, 13:13
Hello & Thanks a lot for this new release !
It really simplifies the set-up of a dcdev environment.

Just one remark:
If I choose (cdrom):\cygwin\ as directory for the local packages, make doesn't work by defualt, I have to install it manually
If I choose (cdrom):\cygwin\release\, everything works perfectly & I can compile kos examples without problems...
(previous version had the same problem I think)

If you ever make a r5, can you adapt the step 1 of the installer ?

Thanks a lot again !

April 6th, 2008, 13:48
Hello & Thanks a lot for this new release !
It really simplifies the set-up of a dcdev environment.

Just one remark:
If I choose (cdrom):\cygwin\ as directory for the local packages, make doesn't work by defualt, I have to install it manually
If I choose (cdrom):\cygwin\release\, everything works perfectly & I can compile kos examples without problems...
(previous version had the same problem I think)

If you ever make a r5, can you adapt the step 1 of the installer ?

Thanks a lot again !

Thanks for the info, I'll definitely add "release\" to the next ISO.

September 2nd, 2009, 13:17

after a long period of other projects, I've started playing with dcdev again. (It's always easy to use dcdev to do a quick install :))

Another something that could be added to dcdev, is an automated way to create a 1st_read.bin from an .elf file.

I suppose it can be added as post-linker command, but I preferred to add it to the "Tools" menu of codeblocks:

Name: "Create 1st_read.bin"
Executable: C:\cygwin\usr\local\dc\sh-elf\bin\cr_1stread.bat

And the contents of cr_1stread.bat:
@echo off
@echo Converting %1.elf...
sh-elf-objcopy -O binary -R .stack %1.elf %1.bin
@echo %1.bin created !
@echo Scrambling %1.bin...
scramble %1.bin 1ST_READ.BIN
@echo 1ST_READ.BIN created !

(scramble had to be copied to one of my bin directories)

Maybe it's something that you can add to the other tools in Extras\IDEs\codeblocks-dcscripts.7z ?