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August 24th, 2005, 23:25
Hey guys, has anyone played this game yet, it looks pretty cool, in a similar vein of Psychonauts, which was a cool game as well. I like the characters and the story, but how is the gameplay? I'm thinking of getting it, but I'd like some opinions before I run down to the store to play it.

As a little side note, I found this flash game where you get to chuck explosding hampsters, which is always fun, and immesely addictive. Give it a try! http://www.deathjr.com/c4hamstergame/

August 25th, 2005, 00:36

Dunno if you've looked at the reviews but my fav reviewers are from gamespot. The canned it (65%). Which isn't too bad, but they said it's more a ratchet and klank game with no story line followup and then the game is too under developed, which they go into saying, how can it feel under developed when it's been delayed, over and over again. Suck. They gave pyshconaughts a very high review (which is by far my fav platform game ever, and something to compare all games with :P). If in doubt check out http://www.gamerankings.com/ that place is awesome, it has all the reviews that have been released on the net for a certain game and then averages them out. DeathJR sits at Avg Ratio 62% over 14 reviews. Hope that helps, i'm hoping to play it in a store before I buy this game, just to make sure myself but it doesn't look promising.


August 25th, 2005, 01:10
If your into sports try Tiger Woods, it's soooooooooooooo good. Death JR just looks like one of those quick games they put together to just have something released. The story is a bunch of kids who get stuck in a museum and open a treasure chest of some sort and out opos a few monsters and the whole goal of the game is to kill the monsters before they get into the town. WTF!?!?!?!?!? Tetris fan? Lumines is sooooo good. It's probably cheap now because its like the first psp game. Some video stores rent PSP games these days, so go rent them before buying them. . .

Tiger woods is like playing tiger 03 on PS2 and the swing control and spin functions are PERFECT and challenging at the same time.


August 25th, 2005, 06:05

I don't feel like re-typing my review ;)

August 25th, 2005, 14:02
if you want to play death jr rent it bc it has NO!!! replay at all. Not worth the money (im renting it soon when to rent it and it was out so got hot shot and beet it)

August 25th, 2005, 23:34
Thanks for the replies guys. But as for the replay value, it's not supposed to. I have never played a platform game with replay value. YourStillWithMe, I think you're right about this game when you say that this was just a game to put on the shelves quickly, that was right on. But I don't think the reviewers reviewed it like that. i think they were reviewing it like it was going to be the next psychonauts or mario, and that's not fair.

August 26th, 2005, 08:54
yeah, unfortunatly that's what it's up against and we have been spoilt. I'm sure it works ok and is fun. Not a big fan of ratchet and clank so I think I'll pass on it as it has similar mechanics. Hope they port over psychonauts, I could go on and on about that game. Come to think of it, I need to play that again. So many great memories. That last level was a jumping nightmare though :)


August 26th, 2005, 20:13
I hate jumping nightmares! But I played a little bit of it at EB games and it doesn't play half bad. I think it's a solid game for PSP, now I just need to save up money to get it :D

August 27th, 2005, 04:14
I hate jumping nightmares! But I played a little bit of it at EB games and it doesn't play half bad. I think it's a solid game for PSP, now I just need to save up money to get it :D

The last level of Psychonauts was the jumping nightmare, not DJ.

August 29th, 2005, 22:53
Yeah i know. I played that too, really fun game. I was talking about DJ as a side note.