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March 13th, 2008, 22:14
Does anyone Remember DCEmu weekly? If not, it was the PSP mag we had for like a 1 issue and didn't get to make a 2nd one

I think we should do that again because it was a good idea, but i think we should do DCEmu monthly and make more formats of the mag(ex iPhone/Touch Format or just computer Format). It was a great idea to have all of the homebrew and gaming news for tons of systems covered in one mag. If we give it another shot, I will be glad to help out any way possible ( back then I was writing for the wii section of it)

Whatcha Think?

March 13th, 2008, 22:15
Good idea.

March 13th, 2008, 22:21
Hey I'd look forward to it. Maybe hand out free PSP demos with it (or ROMS) :o

March 13th, 2008, 22:22
Oh I remember it, long time ago. Sounds good.

Is the issue 1 available somewhere? I would like to see how it looked.

March 13th, 2008, 22:27
Oh I remember it, long time ago. Sounds good.

Is the issue 1 available somewhere? I would like to see how it looked.

mmmmm i dunno

It might still be on my computer, I will look around, and dang I didn't expect som many posts so quickly lol

March 14th, 2008, 01:24
Sounds good, but these projects always have a habit of dying on their arses, despite all the initial volunteers.

March 14th, 2008, 01:44
Sounds good, but these projects always have a habit of dying on their arses, despite all the initial volunteers.

Yea, but the reason it failed last time was because of the guy in charge

hell, i can do things like this because Im in a group on youtube called 7randomVloggers meaning every thursday I post a video about something on that channel


March 16th, 2008, 08:02
The people working on it all quit without saying so. AFAIK Motz (was that his name?) hasn't been back in ages.

If you are serious about this, I'll give the same advice as I did to them: build up material prior to even your first issue. If you're going to have 3 game reviews in an issue, have 10 ready prior to the first issues release, that way you will be able to meet your deadline.

If you want site endorsement, it better be good ;)

March 16th, 2008, 20:07
The people working on it all quit without saying so. AFAIK Motz (was that his name?) hasn't been back in ages.

If you are serious about this, I'll give the same advice as I did to them: build up material prior to even your first issue. If you're going to have 3 game reviews in an issue, have 10 ready prior to the first issues release, that way you will be able to meet your deadline.

If you want site endorsement, it better be good ;)

Good advice, i really want to do it and I will try hard at it and i dunno maybe i will make like a sample issue to see if the staff will like it

and yea, i think his name was Motz, sounds familiar