View Full Version : Condemned 2: Bloodshot: Prima Official Game Guide

March 14th, 2008, 22:26
Newly released:


Multiplayer Mayhem! Condemned 2 is taking mulitplayer online to the next level with an intense focus on hand to hand and weapons of opportunity. Riddled with strategy from both the experts at Prima and the creators of the game this guide will have everything you need to acheive total multiplayer domination.
Maps of every level! Whether it be single player or multi player the Prima guide will have the map you need. Complete with labled secrets, pick ups, events, and multiplayer tips.
Complete Walkthrough! Pick your way through crime scenes and the underground easily with our detailed, step-by-step walkthrough.
Secrets, Weapons, Enemies (oh my)! Hidden items, detailed weapon tables, and stats and strats for every enemy. Prima has what you need.
Pages: 176
Platform: PlayStation3, X-Box360
