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View Full Version : WireWorld DS v0.6

March 15th, 2008, 20:33
News/release from asiekierka (http://forum.gbadev.org/viewtopic.php?t=14902&postdays=0&postorder=asc&start=0)

WireWorld DS is a DS version of a cellular automation under the same name. It's NOT a port, it's my mistake, i know.

So far it has:
- basic WireWorld implemented
- editor builtin
- clear/clear electrons
- settings, some more settings!
- a title screen

Well, it's my first DS homebrew utility.

About WireWorld
WireWorld has 4 states:
space - represented by black
wire - represented by gold
spark - represented by red
tail - represented by blue

Spark changes to tail.
Tail changes to wire.
Wire changes to spark if it's surrounded by 1 or 2 sparks.

Even with so simple rules, it's able to implement many stuff in it, even a computer! (Don't try it at home, kids)

+ - added
- - removed
* - modified
/ - bugfixed
! - important
. - unimportant but still

+ LOTS of optimizations. And i mean LOTS.
/ i think some bugfixes, unsure
+ Added controls information on the touch screen while on the title.
! maybe something else, i don't know.

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