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View Full Version : PSP Screen and Driver...

August 26th, 2005, 13:56
I may be speaking evil, but I want to take the screen and Driver out of the psp and use it in other applications.

Has anyone taken the great psp apart? Anyone know there I can just get the screen?

The screen is a perfect size for me, I want to put a video In...

Don't worry, I would never hurt MY PSP, it will be some unknown one I pull off a shelf.

August 26th, 2005, 14:38
can u pull an unknown one off a shelf and give it to me? cos that would be more useful :)

lol, go ahead ;)

August 26th, 2005, 22:14
I may be speaking evil, but I want to take the screen and Driver out of the psp and use it in other applications.

Has anyone taken the great psp apart? Anyone know there I can just get the screen?

The screen is a perfect size for me, I want to put a video In...

Don't worry, I would never hurt MY PSP, it will be some unknown one I pull off a shelf.

Takeing the psp apart. http://www.informit.com/articles/article.asp?p=380915
Psp spare parts . http://www.xboxrepairguide.com/repair-parts-sony-c-22_54.html

I want to see a pic posted of what youve created.I find this interesting:p

August 29th, 2005, 13:51
Sweet thanks,

Now I can just buy the screen! I will not have to kill a psp