View Full Version : Can't get toolchan.sh to start in cygwin

August 26th, 2005, 15:44
Ok I have fowllowd the Setting up the Development Environment- Guide but when i get to lanch toolchain.sh i get this error: svn: can't convert string from native encoding to 'Utf-8' svn:/hom/?\196agaren
Error: Please make sure you have 'subversion (svn)' installed.

I have tryed to reinstall it and download cygwin from another mirror but i get the same error everytime. What to do?

Thanks in advance!

August 26th, 2005, 15:49
Hi, where have you found de toolchain because I want that program too
In the originall post (tutorial post) says you can get it here but there is no link :confused:

August 26th, 2005, 20:41
Hi, where have you found de toolchain because I want that program too
In the originall post (tutorial post) says you can get it here but there is no link :confused:

Did you notice the search function on this site? Anyway here is the link you wanted PSP Toolchain (http://www.oopo.net/consoledev/)

Anyone that can help me?

August 26th, 2005, 23:57
I think that while you where selecting the programs that will be installed on cygwin, you have forgoted to selec subversion. Because of this, the error says make sure you have subversion installed

Can u help me in this:
I've taken a part of the lesson 2 creating your first program:

"So create a new file called "Makefile" with no extention (ie, no .txt)"

How do i create a file with no extension??????????

August 27th, 2005, 11:30
I have tryed to reinstall it and download cygwin from another mirror but i get the same error everytime.

I'm not that stupid that I didin't see Error: "Please make sure you have 'subversion (svn)' installed." Of course i have tryed to both redownload it and reinstall subversion (all versions) but i get the same error.

August 27th, 2005, 17:40
I'm not that stupid that I didin't see Error: "Please make sure you have 'subversion (svn)' installed."
Then get the f*ck*ng hell outta here motherf*ck*er, im trying to help you

September 1st, 2005, 20:41
Hey, why did you get so upset? I'm sorry if I did get you angry. I just didn't want you to think im that stupid...Anyway, what to do?

September 1st, 2005, 21:23
hmm, i googled it and now i think it's becouse i have "forbidden characters" in the folder where subverson is. My comp name (yourusername@yourcomputername) is Ägaren@ditt-7huk3o9fm5 ~ (i live in sweden) any1 know how to change this??