View Full Version : PocketNES X (Beta 1) for GBA Movie Player (CF)

March 18th, 2008, 16:13
News/release from DWedit: (http://www.dwedit.org/dwedit_board/viewtopic.php?pid=2216) of an update of the Nes Emulator for the GBA and the Movie player hardware:

For the GBA Movie Player (CF version) only.
This is basically the same PocketNES that I just released for flash cartridges, but with a few things missing:
* does not yet accelerate games as much
* does not yet fix Magic of Scheherazade

Run the flasher tool to install pocketnes onto your GBAMP's firmware.
Any time you want to use pocketnes, run "run_pocketnes.gba"

Pocketnes also has a multiboot GBA loader, which is more compatible than the builtin one.

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