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View Full Version : DREAM GAMES on dreamcast

August 28th, 2005, 08:18
I cry, sigh, all those games, could be for DREAMCAST, look and cries with me.

August 28th, 2005, 08:26
for naomi GD ROMS alias dreamcast

August 28th, 2005, 08:52
excuse me if post a single site for every post, but make research in time real,
for atomyswave-dreamcast -_____- i'm suffering.

August 29th, 2005, 20:38

All those games look promising to port it on Dreamcast. Why not make the arrangements with Dreamcast Scene to prepare a petition for those games so they can port it on the DC?

I already saw on Import Webstores the PS2 versions of Rumble Fish and NeoWave KOF. If it can be on Sony's console, why not on the Sega one?

August 29th, 2005, 21:06

September 1st, 2005, 08:14
I have submit my petition, but for now are only 3053 votes =|, i see yesterday wich many games are porting all in play2, LAST BLADE COLLECTION, KOF COLLECTION, MARK OF THE WOLVES, DARKSTALKER COLLECTION.
This political is very scorrect, the dreamcast lost its identity, all the beauty games are bring on playstation 2.
I have a playstation 2, but i play always at dreamcast, why?
Are crazy?
I don't think.

beetroot bertie
September 3rd, 2005, 22:40
I hate to burst your bubble but we're about to get a whole new wave of next gen consoles and games so why would anyone release these games on the Dreamcast now?

Although such releases would be great I don't think the publishers and studios could justify their time and financial expense to release/port such games and pay for all the other stuff like mass production, cover/manual artwork, design and print etc. It makes no business sense. Sure I'd love it if they did it for us DC users that still love and play on the console but what's the point?

I think the homebrew scene really is the only way the DC can expect to get new releases these days (I do hope Age of the Beast by Senile Team gets a DC port).

September 4th, 2005, 14:15
You tell right, but i speak of great fan of dreamcast, also if can be wrong, i hope wich someone can made porting of this games. =)

September 4th, 2005, 15:11
Although such releases would be great I don't think the publishers and studios could justify their time and financial expense to release/port such games and pay for all the other stuff like mass production, cover/manual artwork, design and print etc. It makes no business sense. Sure I'd love it if they did it for us DC users that still love and play on the console but what's the point?

There's a nice market for good games yet.
One example, Border Down came to the console thanks to the petition of dreamcast-scene. The game was released and all the produced copies sold in few months :P
Also is supposed that new consoles will have 'awesome' games, so those AW ones could perhaps fit better on a dreamcast market.

Speaking of Border Down, G. Rev is planning Senko no Ronde for the Naomi. Time for a new petition, freeze? ;-)

beetroot bertie
September 5th, 2005, 13:52
Very true but the Border Down release was 18 months ago and in the games industry that's about one third of a console's expected life span. And Border Down was only made in limited quantities (i think).

Incidently, does anyone know how well the later releases sold - games such as Trizeal, Border Down, Chaos Field, Psyvarier 2, Puyo Puyo Fever etc? It would be interesting to see how many copies were shifted.

I wonder if a pay per download/shareware system may work for these games to help reduce costs but then again not all DC's work with standard CD's so forget that.