View Full Version : I need help burning multisession CD's

August 28th, 2005, 21:54
I read somewhere that it was possible to make multisessions Fenix CD's, and every session with different games. The question is, how I can make a multisession DC Fenix CD? And if those CD´s aren't selfbootable, what program I have to use to load the Fenix runtime? Thanks in advance!

August 29th, 2005, 00:34
I'm guessing you want to use multi-session for testing games, it should be possible by burning the fenix runtime along with your games as a you would a normal multi-session CDR. If you add any additional games you'll have to add the changes to the 'Fenix.xml' file, which will be overwritten on the next session burnt. You can use DemoMenu or DCHakker as a boot disc then swap in your multi-session CDR, browse for the runtime bin and launch it.

There's some tutorials for multi-session, DemoMenu and DCHakker at DCHelp:


August 29th, 2005, 06:13
yup yup yup.

August 30th, 2005, 04:10
Thanks a lot!! I will save a lot of CD's with this method! :D