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View Full Version : I have a TTDS card and a question please

March 21st, 2008, 16:40
I have just got from a friend, a TTDS card.

He doesnt know much about it and the friend he got it from he doesnt see often.

Its white with a silver sticker on, cant find any info on google anywhere, only on a black version.

It says on the sticker


on the boot screen its neoflash

Soft reset support
cheat code support
multiplayer support
hardware game save

What i would like to know is whats the maximum micro SD card i can put in it?

I have a 2gb card but thats full.

I can get a 4gb card from mymemory for £12 which would be great but im not sure if this will take the 4gb.

Thanks for your help and any other info

April 15th, 2008, 00:19
my Canadian DSTT card was recently purchased and holds my Kingston 4GB micro SD card perfectly.
All functions well.

April 16th, 2008, 17:09
**EDIT**I take that back, apparently the TTDS can only do 4GB....

NEO TopToy DS Final SPEC:
◇Support normal TF and SDHC, up to 4096GByte.
◇Support soft reset in the game
The TTDS is SDHC compatible so it can hold up to 32GB of data. Currently 8GB SDHC cards are the highest capacity available.

April 16th, 2008, 19:43
Thanks for the reply, ive heard a few comments of 400gb?!! card support, sooooo.......does the ttds support 32gb microsd cards then?

Its a nice idea but scrolling throgh 1000 games and cutting and pasting games would take aaaaaaaaaaaaaaages!

April 20th, 2008, 13:56
Well currently I couldn't tell you. I know that most SDHC systems in theory can support up to 32GB micro SDHC cards, but most of the time, they need a firmware update for that....so I dunno.