View Full Version : Heeelp

August 29th, 2005, 21:04
:mad: Hiya all im having a lot of trouble with a second hand dreamcast ive bought foir my girlfriend ive litterally spent all weekend trying to get it to load up, all i can get it to do so far is load up either an audio cd or the action replay cdx disc but no other disc seems to load up on the console, although all the games work on my other machine, ive trawelled through the net and found a few sites that say to lube the mechanisim and also one that tells you to tighten up a screw on the laser, ive tried all of this and still cant get anywhere if i move the screw then the action replay disc doesnt load so ive gotta put it back to the start and it only loads audio or the action replay disc i will be thankfull for any suggestions. also when i lod up the action replay disc and try to start a game from there the system just hangs at the opening screen.

Many Thanx

p.s sorry for the rambling on but its doing my nut in now Doh!! :mad:

August 30th, 2005, 23:48
This should be in the hardware forum. Moved.

The turning of the laser is called a re-cab, if you didnt work and you did it right then the laser is either fried or not the problem.

You have another working DC? then switch the power supply, that can commonly cause the GD-ROM assembly to cock up.

Switch the PSU and then tell me if there is any differance.

October 9th, 2005, 20:03
From the sound of things the lazer is not damaged, i agree with ptr.exe that the PSU is a good possibility. The CDs and GDs that you are loading are they burned?

October 13th, 2005, 02:13
check if the voltages are ok at the psu pins if you've got a voltmeter