View Full Version : King's Knight and Powerball roll onto Virtual Console

March 24th, 2008, 16:58
Make no mistake, today's pair of Virtual Console titles has nothing to do with either chess or the lottery. We can, however, celebrate the second Square Enix title to come to the North American Virtual Console, and it's a lot closer to an RPG than the last one.

King's Knight (NES, 1 player, 500 Wii points): A crazed hybrid between vertical-scrolling shooter and RPG, this game was one of the first examples of destructible environments -- you can pretty much destroy everything in your path. You know the drill: choose your character, level up, kill a dragon, save the princess.

Powerball (Sega Genesis, 1-2 players, 800 Wii points): This bastard child of rugby and football born eons into the future, Powerball has you smack the snot out of the opposing team as you vie for the chance to run the powerball into your neon-lit goal for points.
