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August 30th, 2005, 21:27
well after alot of time and trying many different things to install mods into quake psp i was finally successful.
well kinda.

how did i do it?

1. i installed nics version of quake that i got at another thread here.


2. i found and downloaded my favorite quake mod, "killer quake patch"
the only place i could find info and a good link to download was here...


you have to be registered and logged in at fileplanet to download the mod unfortunately,
good thing i was already registered.

3. unzip the mod into a folder and rename the PAK0.PAK that comes with it to PAK2.PAK.
now add the newly named pak2 to the id1 folder on your psp.
(of couse you must also have the PAK1.PAK file in there also which you can only get by buying the game.
id add the config file while your at it.)

4. now start the game and youll notice the different menu screen.

im not sure of how much of this mod youll be able to use because you cant input text and stuff like that compared to the pc version.
and i havent yet actually played through a whole level but i know it works because ive already noticed the empty shotgun shellls that were ejected from the shotgun, and the nails that bounce off the walls.(use the cheat L+R+O+START for all weapons)
im sure theres more.

so yeah a modded psp version of quake, yay. :D
now im just wondering if anyone else has tried to mod their quake psp and if so...

1. what mods did you use?
2. where did you get them? (link)
3. did it run smoothly or was it buggy?
4. how exactly did you install them.

or feel free to try what ive done and comment, happy gaming. :)

edit: im also curious if the graphical enhancements that are out like "dark places". fuh quake", or "joes quake" work with this.
of course that will have to be another day...
edit2: nope the enhancements wont work, only because the game must be started by the exe provided and not the eboot file, bummer.

August 30th, 2005, 23:23
Nice, Ill have to try it.

Also, thanks for the all weapons code!

August 30th, 2005, 23:57
Remember just to ask for any little changes you need to my version, and i'll add them. Just don't have time to add the big obvious things right now (i.e. sound + network)


August 31st, 2005, 00:10
What is your version?

The one with mouselook on the analog stick?

August 31st, 2005, 00:17
thanx nic, much appreciated. :)

right now im trying to get the configuration to work so i can cycle through the weapons differently.
in the mod on my computer you have to hit the number keys repeatedly to get the other weapons (almost 30 in all).
like 1 the first time is a mourning star, hit it a second time and its an ax,
then again for a throwing ax ect.
the next weapon button wont work for this and this is the main problem im having.
this might not be possible though as theres 8 different keys for weapons.
the psp barely has that many usable buttons.

also im thinking i could bind the keys "." and "," that you have access to on the psp to get more cheats and use of the mod.
i figure that you could configure it on the pc using the 'bind x "god mode" 'text and then put the config file on the psp.

im quite a noob at this, so i may be wrong but its worth a try and ive have good luck so far. :)

@ mourning star, yes the one with analog look on the nub is his version.
plus it saves/loads and other things of importance.
its nics version that i used for this, the links above if you need it.
much thanx to nic for the best version so far.

August 31st, 2005, 00:24
I was wanting to try and bind buttons but I didnt know how.

BTW, how do you have your controls set?

Mine are:
Dpad = Freelook

L= Jump

R = Attack

Triangle = Forward

X = Back

Square = Strafe Left

Circle = Change weapon

So far I cant get Circle to do anything but change weapons....

Oh, and I did get the mod to work, so far it is good.

EDIT: Then I already have Nics version. Its better than the other version and the files are a LOT smaller.

About KQP, what is the 8M_RAM.PAK file?

August 31st, 2005, 00:34
I was wanting to try and bind buttons but I didnt know how.

BTW, how do you have your controls set?

Mine are: Dpad = Freelook

L= Jump

R = Attack

Triangle = Forward

X = Back

Square = Strafe Left

Circle = Change weapon

So far I cant get Circle to do anything but change weapons....

Oh, and I did get the mod to work, so far it is good.

pretty much the same.

nic i meant to mention that,
the "O" button wont configure to anything.
that would be nice if it were fixed along with the configuration screen doesnt highlight any of the configuration keys so you never know what button your configuring.

no rush but if you get the chance those 2 things would make it better/easier to configure.

that way we could even give it the same control scheme as coded arms if you could configure the O,
which is best for fps on th psp i think.
thanx in advance. :)

edit: @mourning star, to bind the keys you have to do it on your pc.
bring down the window using the key above tab.
then type...
bind x "god"
x can be any letter, and god could be any text as long as its in quotes.
so now when you hit x in game it will automatically give you god mode.
other like impulse 9 (weapons) and impulse 255 (quad damage), will also work if in quotes, hope this helps.

also that file your talking about is only for people with 8 mbs of ram or less (lol), this mod is quite old so no one has a computer that crappy anymore so you can go ahead and delete it.

edit: yes the binding trick worked, i now have god mode and weapons without the l,r,o,start cheat.

the only problem is these keys are configured to L and R so whenever try to strafe right god mode shuts back off.
and when i configure it in psp, i lose the bindings.

edit: ok bindings s a no go because the only keys you can bind, ' and .
have to be used in game for other things.

if we had more keys we could bind we could use alot more of this mod.
take a look at the readme of the KQP for a huge list of "impulse" cheats.
or even better if we couhd somehow type into drop down panel, that would be ideal.

theres even an attack dog you could use and an orb that floats around you and automatically shoots at enemies.
but really what i want to use it the guided rockets, much fun.

August 31st, 2005, 01:20
Well done Nic, a real improvment over 0.4


August 31st, 2005, 01:24
Well done Nic, a real improvment over 0.4


Yea, it is. He should "release" it and send it Wraggster or something......

September 3rd, 2005, 21:38
SO what exactly does this mod do? All Ive noticed is shotgun shell casings and nails ricocheting....its too big of a mod just for that....

September 3rd, 2005, 21:49
SO what exactly does this mod do? All Ive noticed is shotgun shell casings and nails ricocheting....its too big of a mod just for that....

well if you read the readme it will tell you. ;)
on top of around 30 extra weapons including mourning star, chainguns,
xenas ring, and guided nukes heres some of the additions...

Zeus bots!
Cujo the personal dog
Solid corpses and backpack that you can shoot at.
Eject Shells from shotgun and DB-shotgun.*
Eject bullet shells from nailgun and super nailgun.*
Multiskin for multiplayer.
Enhanced multiplayer game mode (for coop and dm)
Portable Teleporter
Trapped Backpack.
Fake Backpack bombs.
Multi colored laser.
Blazes from Blazethrower can land on floor.
Blazes from Blazethrower, Blaze gun and RFL can
spread from entity to another
A shield that you can use to protect yourself.
An orb that orbits around you, firing at any target spotted.
Feign death to deceive people that you're dead.
Decoy not only use to deceive people, but could hurt/kill others.
Eyes (external camera) that can be throw to a desired location.
Rain of Fire.
Air Strike.
Floating gib and realistic body parts.
use gibbed heads as proximity mines.

all kinds of things.

you have to use the impulse cheats to use most of them.
what ive done for psp is put my strafe buttons on square and triangle,
you get used to it.

them bind your chosen cheats to the l and r trigger button.
look at the read me for a huge list of cheats and "impulse" commands to choose from.

September 4th, 2005, 16:18
I this is my config. you can use a lot kqp features with this cfg pack.

Use triange to toggle between the cfgs

L =forward
R =strafe
d-up =jump
d-down =back
x =shoot
square =Switch between regular axe, Disc, super axe, vampire axe,
morning star and the throwing flaming axe.

d-up =god mode
square =Switch between regular shotgun, auto-shotgun, Portal gun,
Magnum, poisoned arrow and Air Fist.

d-up=Throw a gibbed head into the air.
square =Switch between Super shotgun, chain gun and Mini-cannon.

d-up =Throw an air strike co-ordinator.
square =Switch between regular nailgun and blaze gun.

d-up =Throw a rain of fire rune.
square =Switch between regular super nailgun, rapid fireball launcher
and Laser.

d-up =start DM map "Basewalk"
d-down =start DM map "Triumph"
square =Switch between regular grenades, radio tag bomb, proximity mine,
Timed Nuke, Blazethrower, Freezethrower and nail bomb

R =toggle chasecam/normal
d-up =lower distance
d-down =increase distance
square =Switch between regular missiles, guided missiles, auto-missiles,
Nuke, flare and guided Nuke.

R =Spawn an opponent ZEUSbot.
d-up =Activates a helper bot
d-down =Activates and Deactivates Cujo the dog
square =Switch between lightning bolt gun and BFG

Sorry for my bad english

September 5th, 2005, 02:49
cool, good to see someone else trying this out. :)
i was thinking me and ms were the only ones lol.

ill have to test out your config and see how it feels,
ive kinda gotten used to my own though.
thanx for sharing.

September 5th, 2005, 03:09
I tried the configs and it just made it more confusing to me. So I deleted the mod from my memory stick....Ill wait until QuakePSP is final before I try somethin like this again....or maybe a simpler mod? Do any other mods even work?

September 5th, 2005, 09:26
im sure other mods would work, this is the only one that i wanted though.
thats kinda part of the reason i made this thread so people would maybe try out other mods like maybe some TCs or something.

id also like to know if the expansion packs would work,
ill try to get them running if i get time.
im not sure if they run off the original game or not.

September 5th, 2005, 13:14
i stayed up late but i got both mission packs,
"scourge of armagon" and "dissolution of eternity",
to work on the psp.

all you have to do to install them is rename the pak0.pak file they come with to pak2.pak,
then stick them in the id1 folder on your psp along with the pak0.pak, pak1.pak, and config.cfg from the original game.

of course only one works at a time and you cant use the KQP mod with these,
but great nonetheless to have more levels to play on your psp.
enjoy, i know i am. ;)

September 11th, 2005, 23:25
im working on trying out different maps/episodes working.
ill post here the ones ive gotten to work and a little instructions on how i did it.

the first episode i have working is the "Coven Of Ebony"
i think i got most of these at quake planet or retro quake.

change the name of the pak it comes with to "pak2.pak"
put this into your id1 folder on your psp stick along with the config file from the pc version.

add this line to the top of the config file using notepad...
bind "enter" "map coestart"

or delete everything on the file and paste this...

bind "ctrl" "+attack"
bind "uparrow" "+forward"
bind "," "+moveleft"
bind "downarrow" "+back"
bind "leftarrow" "+left"
bind "rightarrow" "+right"
bind "." "+moveright"
bind "enter" "map coestart"
bind "shift" "+jump"

now the game will be configurable, save the config file now.

then start a new game and hit triangle and it should warp you to the first level. :)

edit: ok triple post, should i even bother posting?

September 12th, 2005, 09:40
Yes.. will be v. useful when I get around to trying Quake out again...

September 13th, 2005, 11:38
good work :)

September 22nd, 2005, 22:01
thanx :)

sorry i havent had time to try anymore lately.
definately on my to do list.

if anyone has any questions feel free to ask.

in case i havent posted this,
heres where ive been getting my mods.
theres quite a few to try.



September 23rd, 2005, 19:39
I just got a crazy ideal....

Would the Quake 2 PAK work with QuakePSP?

I was going to try it but its 175MB and i only have a 128MB memory stick....

September 23rd, 2005, 21:07
did you guys ever see that quake 1 retexturing project?


i wonder if this works on the psp,or only the lower res textured ones do?

and by the way,i have a 1gb mem stick,so if anyone thinks the quake 2 pak works i can try it

September 24th, 2005, 00:38
@mourning star, nope, couldnt get it to work.

@watoto, i downloaded it and its just a bunch of textures.
im not sure how to install it, it just explains how to install it with fuh quake.

September 24th, 2005, 10:56
well,obviously it's a bunch of textures,you're supposed to decompress the pak and substutute the textures or something.besides,it's not finished yet.I was just wandering if the current quake on psp was compatible with hi res textures

September 24th, 2005, 21:30
well, obviously, it should already be done for you.
or at least have a readme to explain it. :rolleyes:

as far as the psp version,
no it wont work unless you make a whole new pak file with the new textures.

btw im almost done playing the last mod i installed so ill be trying another one soon.

EDIT: update...

found another nice site with download links and reviews for the mods...


for anyone curious, theres a review and a link for "coven of ebony",
the last working mod i installed on the page before this...


the next mod i have tested and working is "rapture",
really simple, just rename the pak it comes with to pak02.pak and add to the other 2 on your psp.

take a look at it here, wont be as pretty on your psp of course. ;)


by now you know to add the config file also,
heres what i used for a configuration...

bind "ctrl" "+attack"
bind "uparrow" "+forward"
bind "," "+moveleft"
bind "downarrow" "+back"
bind "leftarrow" "+left"
bind "rightarrow" "+right"
bind "." "+moveright"
bind "enter" "god"
bind "shift" "+jump"
crosshair 1

just delete everything in the file and cut and paste that.
triangle is god mode, shoulder buttons strafe.
X fires, square jumps and as always O is weapons.
crosshair is otional and you could delete god and put "impulse 9" is you wanted the all weapons cheat instead of god mode.

have fun. :)

September 26th, 2005, 02:18
My god, how do you play with controls like that? ;)

I tried the Rapture mod, but I couldnt enjoy it. I cant enjoy the game at all anymore...it desperately needs sound now...

September 26th, 2005, 15:07
My god, how do you play with controls like that? ;)

I tried the Rapture mod, but I couldnt enjoy it. I cant enjoy the game at all anymore...it desperately needs sound now...

your loss, i still thinks there more fun to be had and im not going to let something small like sound deter me.
i put on my own music when im playing and i barely notice.

and i think my contol style is pretty good,
could easily be changed for someone though.

i really dont get guys like you who still prefer doom over quake.
quake is still one of my favorite and most played games,
mostly on pc though.
i nearly shat myself when i heard there was going to be a psp port.

i think im going to try out rapture on my pc after i leave here,
with the qrack mod it should look as nice as those screens.

September 26th, 2005, 20:53
No, I dont prefer Doom over Quake, its just that DoomPSP is basically finished while QuakePSP isnt....

Actually I dont have either on my memstick rigt now.....but that might have something to do with me only having a 128MB mem stick....

And I do enjoy playing QuakePSP, but I dont want to "finish" it in its current state...if you know what I mean....

September 26th, 2005, 23:14
but you must realize chances are that wont be happening,
its either enjoy it as is or not at all.

i get you, but i really dont think anyone plans on finishing it really,
and its too bad.

the fact is alot of poeple seem to think like you,
nobody seems all that interested in the version with no sound.
i really dont have much reason to keep coming here,
most of this thread has basically been you and me. :rolleyes:

September 27th, 2005, 01:36
I agree with that...if it wasnt for you and me there wouldnt be any good Doom/Quake discussions...

And youre probably right that Quake will never be finished...and that sucks...it would be the best thing that the homebrew scene would have to offer IMO.....

September 27th, 2005, 16:06
edited: meh. :mad:

September 30th, 2005, 13:19
Ehey, do I really need the pak1.pak? It is hard to find and I dont own the game... So, all of the quake mods dont work or what?

October 2nd, 2005, 22:15
Ehey, do I really need the pak1.pak? It is hard to find and I dont own the game... So, all of the quake mods dont work or what?

yes you need the pak.1,
you can download it with the link to nics version on the front page.

you get the pak.2 when you own the game,
ive been installing most mods by renaming them pak.3 but no, not all of them work.
some start from the beginning some you have to use codes to warp to the first level.

there are however quite a few that work,
check some of the links in this thread.

January 11th, 2006, 15:12
sorry for the bump.

i have tried the killer quake mod from my frist post and it does work with peters new version of quake.
the only problem im having is trying to get the config to work so you can access the other weapons the mod has.
right no just hitting the next weapon button does not cycle through the new weapons.

i'll try and figure it out, but if anyone can help it would be appreciated.

edit: ok i got the killer quake mod to work on peters new version of quake.
i had to make new config files but i cant figure out how to attach the zip.

let me know how to attach the file and i'll share it.
it allows use of all 30 weapons, god mode, all weapons, cujo bot and more.

i hosted the files temporarily here...
just put them all in you id folder and even overwrite the original config.
then try it out and let me know if i should change anything.

this is the config so far.
x =shoot
square = jump
o =weapons
triangle = analog nub look
select = switches between the config files,each has its own set of cheats by hitting the left or right trigger button.

sorry there was no room for strafe buttons.

January 14th, 2006, 03:08
Hey whats up

I have the Xmen: Ravages of Apacolypse tc for Quake1 and i was wondering if anyone knew how to get it working on Quake PSP. thanx in advance

January 20th, 2006, 23:03
Guys.. I have v2.60 and i want to reformat my PSP.. I want to go back to v1.0 so i can play th homebrew games.. I think there is a reformat setting in the system settings but im not sure if i reformat it might be v2.60 again because it is stuck to it forever... can someone tell me if it will still stay v2.60 or not if i reformat my psp???


It said restore default settings... is that the correct one?? i want to start over..

January 21st, 2006, 07:09
quake1 may not me a finished port, but quake2 is already in the beta stages...

January 24th, 2006, 22:37
Hey whats up

I have the Xmen: Ravages of Apacolypse tc for Quake1 and i was wondering if anyone knew how to get it working on Quake PSP. thanx in advance

If you haven't already, and if it comes as a .pak file, rename it pak2.pak and add it to the id folder on your psp along with the other 2 pak files.
I got KQP to run like that, thats also how to get the expansion packs to work.

@jpui, noob, um, I mean no you can't, your fuxxored.
@r2work, So. I care why? I still like the original better.

February 9th, 2006, 02:43
some one pls help me. Im not a noob, I just cant get it to work :confused:
when I try to start the game the screen stays black and then then crashes. Like it didnt have the right files.

BTW, if possible could someone post the neccesary files, in case thats it?

February 9th, 2006, 03:03
Thanx Sharkey, ima try it right now

February 11th, 2006, 05:14
Is anyone interested in playing quake online before Chris and Peter release their new version for PSP? I modified the pak0.pak file to make the psp connect to a server of your choice by using a config file and choosing the "reset to default" option in the Options menu to initiate it. I am also hosting a server especially for us psp Quakers. I posted this a while back, and the only person who tried it did not have the pak1 file that is required to play mods....
If anyone is interested, see my post here for details:



February 13th, 2006, 21:00
some one pls help me. Im not a noob, I just cant get it to work :confused:
when I try to start the game the screen stays black and then then crashes. Like it didnt have the right files.
BTW, if possible could someone post the neccesary files, in case thats it?

Well , lets start from the beginning...

I use version 1.5, and I recommend it for this.

Download Peters version of quake (new one coming soon) here...

Add the 2 folders to your games folder on your memory stick.
Then add the pak1.pak file from the disc you bought to the ID1 folder on your memory stick..
(it is illegal to post the full pak file so dont ask)

Its that easy and it should work.
Good Luck.

@Kyle, your welcome, did you get it to work?
@gpeters, sounds awesome, I guess I should get off my ass and get a wireless router.
I should have the money soon as I finally bought my 2 gig stick and have nothing left to spend the money on.
Thanx for the post. :)

March 10th, 2006, 14:03
I agree with that...if it wasnt for you and me there wouldnt be any good Doom/Quake discussions...

And youre probably right that Quake will never be finished...and that sucks...it would be the best thing that the homebrew scene would have to offer IMO.....

Guys Guys!! Let me just say that, although a PSP hpmebrew using newbie whos only got as far as using Nester J on his 32Mb stick (bloody good that!)
I am a dedicated Quake fan and infact made it my final project at Ba (Hons Graphics Design degree course to create a virtual museum explaining the principles of post modernism using the Quake engine.

OK, I may have totally fluked that project..but the idea of making my own Quake levels and playing on my v2.1 PSP (thx to Fanjitas's v0.95 eLoader) absolutley ...I mean...the possibilies.... absolutey UNTOLD!!!!!!
(after I get a 1Gb stick of course..end of this month hopefully)

Please don't give up on this tread just yet! I need you!!

P.S. Multiplayer sounds good but I don't think Fanjita's got that kernal mode working yet ( although eLoader v0.96 does have InfraRed access I hear..no good for Quake but getting there)

March 10th, 2006, 14:06
OK, I may have totally fluked that project..

Oops! I meant 'flunked' ..no degree for me...lol!
(I'm an IT helpdesk monkey now)

Xeen Soltari
March 25th, 2006, 17:45
Well, this might be a scoche off-topic, but I was wondering if anyone would either know of a version of QuakePSP that had the analog mapped for movement, or would have a way of explaining how to do it myself in programming-illiterate terms. Thanks!

March 25th, 2006, 19:10
hmmmm. elaborate a little. You want the analog nub to move forward,backwards,strafe left and right? By default, I thought the analog nub already moved forward, backwards, and looked left and right. explain the control scheme you are wanting a little better. check my site's forums if you need help making a control scheme- I just dont think I understand what you want accomplished.

Xeen Soltari
March 25th, 2006, 19:26
If you've played Doom PSP, the controls are Analog stick: turn left/right, run forewards/backwards. L isn't used, R is fire, X is strafe right, Square is Strafe Left, ETC. I want to be able to revert to this kind of scheme.

March 25th, 2006, 19:30
This sounds pretty easy actually. post your current PSPQuake config on my site and I should be able to help you get this configured to your "doom control scheme" fairly easily.

Xeen Soltari
March 25th, 2006, 19:39
This sounds pretty easy actually. post your current PSPQuake config on my site and I should be able to help you get this configured to your "doom control scheme" fairly easily. Thanks, dude. You rock way too hard. I'll post it in a few hours. Nerdism calls.

December 19th, 2006, 11:07
After finally playing through the whole PSP game and both expansions I'm ready for some user made ones.

Anyone know of any new Quake mods that work that I haven't mentioned? I'm up for anything I havn't tried yet.

December 19th, 2006, 21:54
http://www.gamers.org/pub/idgames2/quakec/compilations/ try this i saw some one posting it here somewere i just don't know how to configuer the controls

December 19th, 2006, 22:41
Daamn, theres a ton of those. I dont know which one to pick lol. Thanks for the link.

December 19th, 2006, 22:43
and whats good its all free not like those rip off sites that u need to join and pay money to download stuff that people that create it give it out for free i hate does site:mad: :mad:
AKA planetquake.com .. RIP OFFSSSSSSS

June 12th, 2008, 20:27
I got QMatrix working :) http://qmatrix.planetquake.gamespy.com/

Star Trek Quake 1 doesn't work however. The map is just too big - the PSP just shuts itself down. It's probably the biggest Quake 1 map ever. http://titanic.planetquake.gamespy.com/sttqs.htm

Also of note are these console commands: http://console.planetquake.gamespy.com/commands/quake.html

Someone needs to make a config.cfg that has some good default PSP button bindings for this and redistribute it with the release - just to make it easy

June 12th, 2008, 20:29
oh yeah forgot to mention - that was with PSP Quake v1.1 on a Slim running 3.71 m33-4 cfw

June 18th, 2008, 02:04
how do you get it running?

Dark Chazz
June 24th, 2008, 18:05
how do you get it running?

to run any mod just drop the mod folder next to the id1 folder in ur psp and create a file called quake.cmdline with the following line:

-game mod_folder_name
and run quake.
u can also run mods in kurok u just have to drop the original quake pak1.pak inside the id1 folder.

oh and team fortress doesn't work...

October 11th, 2008, 13:29
Sorry to revive an old topic such as this, but hey Chazz, proved you wrong on PSP Advice about Team Fortress, didn't I? :p
(this is CyberDemon)

Dark Chazz
October 25th, 2008, 22:46
back when I posted this I couldn't run QTF on psp Quake 1.1 and kurok v0.3 , it crashes after the mainmenu background image appears.

October 28th, 2008, 23:35
True. Just saying that it's been done now in a public place so more people would catch on :D

In case anyone IS still visiting this thread, you can download Team Fortress PSP at its dedicated thread by registering for free here: http://psp.wijou.com/forum/
It is currently located in Other PSP Stuff under the title: Clean Release of Team Fortress PSP Now Available.
It may move soon, so I'll try to keep you all updated on where it's at.
If you can't find it, send a P.M. to CyberDemon5150 or DJKMan at PSP.wijou.com.

t3h 1337
November 4th, 2008, 15:11
Hey, are u willing to give that quake matrix mod ?

nvm, madeit myself

July 9th, 2009, 09:55
Is there a GOD cheat for PSP Quake? I don't really want the all weapons cheat since that also gives the keys - which ruins the play through.

November 14th, 2011, 18:52
i just downloaded "your path of destruction" a quake conversion to doom, i copied all pak files and renamed them, but the weapon graphics look wierd, how can i install it well??