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  1. Halo 4 'going back to what made Halo 1 amazing'

    Quote Originally Posted by wraggster View Post
    Is Microsoft taking the Halo series back to its roots with Halo 4? It sure is if recent comments from Microsoft UK's Xbox entertainment director Stephen McGill are anything to go by.

    "One of the key things with Halo 4 is going back to what made it amazing for people playing the first Halo," McGill told MCV recently, giving one of the few hints as to the nature of the new game since its E3 revelation.

    Halo 4, along with the re-release of the first Halo game
  2. Here's the only way to erase Resi: Mercenaries' save file

    Quote Originally Posted by wraggster View Post
    Capcom may have decided not to include a 'delete save' function in Resident Evil: The Mercenaries 3D - and stirred up a royal sh*t storm in the process - but there is apparently a way to erase the cart after all.

    Unfortunately, there's no magic button code or anything as simple as that. But there is an adaptor, called the NDS Adaptor Plus, that'll do the trick, according to Siliconera.

    It costs around $40 and is a small device designed to back up your DS and 3DS save
  3. Star Wars: The Old Republic trailer shows Hunter evolve

    Quote Originally Posted by wraggster View Post
    BioWare has released another one of those sweet character progression videos, this time for the Hunter Class.

    See how the character starts out and how they gradually start to look and fight more brutally as those levels jot up.

    EA Games label boss Frank Gibeau has said that players will be looking at "200 hours of gameplay for each of the six classes, and that doesn't include the crafting, the raids, the multiplayer." That should keep you busy for a while,
  4. Beyond The Labyrinth: The most striking 3DS game in development?

    Quote Originally Posted by wraggster View Post
    Admit it: you weren't expecting to see the word '3DS' next to a set of screenshots this lovely.

    Tri-Ace's upcoming title bears an uncanny resemblance to PS2 favourite Ico, or the more recent Wii game A Shadow's Tale, with a similarly minimalist art style and an environment consisting almost entirely of old ruins and bleached sunlight.

    Add five years, and make her approximately 56% more mysterious, and the game's unnamed heroine could even pass for Ico's waif princess
  5. More famous suits planned for Super Mario 3DS

    Quote Originally Posted by wraggster View Post
    Super Mario director Yoshiaki Koizumi has said Mario will have access to a number of famous suits in this year's 3DS outing.

    While only the Tanooki suit was revealed at E3, Koizumi told ONM: "I can't reveal the actual number of power-ups in the game right now, but suffice to say that we do try to include enough so that people can enjoy a variety of different kinds of play experiences in the title.

    "Also, I should point out that we don't necessarily decide
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