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  1. Saints Row: The Third straps on Team Fortress 2 hats

    Quote Originally Posted by wraggster View Post
    Saints Row: The Third is about to get some big-headed Valve love from Team Fortress 2. A set of Team Fortress 2 masks will be added to the Steam version ofSaints Row: The Third this Tuesday, January 17, as revealed on the Saints Row website. The masks will be added via an automatic update, so anyone with a Steam copy should get the masks upon starting the game after the update is launched.

    Now, if only
  2. Dead Rising 2 dev working on 'unannounced new IP'

    Quote Originally Posted by wraggster View Post
    We've known that Capcom's Vancouver studio (formerly Blue Castle Games) was hard at work on two different projects and now, if a recent job listing is to be believed, it appears that at least one of them is a brand new IP. This listing asks for a design director on an "unannounced new IP," specifically a third-person filled with both "action" and "adventure." Such a project makes
  3. Face and 'effort' controlled iPad game helps you outrun the competition

    Quote Originally Posted by wraggster View Post
    If you're looking for some exergaming action, but don't have the rhythm -- or lack of self awareness -- for some existing sportgameaccesories, how about a game controlled by effort? Using your iDevice's camera and accelerometer, BitGym has created a control system for playing iOS games while on your exercise equipment of choice (possibly not the trampoline though). The first release is a racer that converts
  4. BioWare SWTOR post-mortem: it's more innovative than an FPS

    Quote Originally Posted by wraggster View Post
    Labelling Star Wars: The Old Republic competent but not innovative is "unfair", BioWare told Eurogamer - the MMO does more than today's FPS and action games to push its respective genre forward."It's been a little bit of an unfair characterisation," SWTOR game director James Ohlen remarked to Eurogamer. "Because if you look at other game genres, if you look at a Battlefield or a Call of Duty or a Gears of War or even a Half-Life - those games use the same tried and true
  5. Japanese release of Kid Icarus: Uprising stays put with bundled stand

    Quote Originally Posted by wraggster View Post
    When I playedKid Icarus: Uprising at E3, I called the circle-pad/stylus-based controls "unwieldy" and "basically only possible if you've put the 3DS on some kind of stand." (I'm going to pretend) Nintendo was listening, as creator Masahiro Sakurai has revealed a stand peripheral, to be bundled with the Japanese release of the game. "Touching the screen works better if it's secured," he said
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